MA on Stochastic indicator ea

Good Morning Please I would like to know what code to type for putting a MA on Stochastic indicator. I want a MA that will be in the second indicator windows with the stochastic indicator. And when the MA will crossover and close below the sell zone or the buy zone of the stochastic indicator it will be either a sell or buy. I don't know how to code it need help please. Here a screenshot of what I want to code
exapmle.PNG  6 kb

There's an indicator section here where you should be asking this

MQL5 forum: Technical Indicators
MQL5 forum: Technical Indicators
Questions about the development of technical indicators in the MQL5 language

Make searches in the codebase, download the code and ascertain it

You should also make time to search for articles here, as people put time and effort into writing good quality articles to teach how to do things

Stochastic code for beginners by William210
Stochastic code for beginners by William210
Stochastic beginner tutorial to learn how to code in MQL5