Discussing the article: "Developing an MQL5 RL agent with RestAPI integration (Part 2): MQL5 functions for HTTP interaction with the tic-tac-toe game REST API"


Check out the new article: Developing an MQL5 RL agent with RestAPI integration (Part 2): MQL5 functions for HTTP interaction with the tic-tac-toe game REST API.

In this article we will talk about how MQL5 can interact with Python and FastAPI, using HTTP calls in MQL5 to interact with the tic-tac-toe game in Python. The article discusses the creation of an API using FastAPI for this integration and provides a test script in MQL5, highlighting the versatility of MQL5, the simplicity of Python, and the effectiveness of FastAPI in connecting different technologies to create innovative solutions.

The script then performs a series of moves, each of which is represented by a JSON object that contains the coordinates of the move on the game board. These moves are sent to the API using POST requests. The process is repeated for each subsequent move.

Gameplay analysis

  • Start: The game starts, we get a game ID.
  • Moves: Three moves are made, alternating between players.
  • Feedback: After each game, the script processes the API response to check for updated game state.

Author: Jonathan Pereira

Between part 1 and part 2 you obviously missed another whole article linking RestAPI with python and FastAPI. This is a site for traders after all.
Stanislav Korotky #:
Between part 1 and part 2, you obviously missed another complete article linking RestAPI with python and FastAPI. After all, this is a site for traders.
If you had a modicum of ability, you'd realise that between part 1 and part 2, you already have enough information to adapt to your trading environment. Use your head and take advantage of sites like https://brapi.dev/docs to enrich your analysis and implementation in MetaTrader. Stop expecting everything to be chewed over for you. After all, this is a site for traders, not amateurs.
Documentação da API de Cotação de Ações - brapi
Documentação da API de Cotação de Ações - brapi
  • brapi.dev
Bem-vindo à documentação da API da brapi! Esta API é uma poderosa ferramenta que oferece acesso a informações atualizadas sobre cotações de ações, fundos imobiliários, moedas e criptomoedas. Além disso, ela fornece dados fundamentais e informações detalhadas sobre dividendos para ações listadas. Nossa API foi projetada para ser altamente...
Jonathan Pereira #:
If you had any ability at all, you would have realised that between the first and second part you already have enough information to adapt to your trading environment. Use your head and use sites like https://brapi.dev/docs to enrich your analysis and implementation in MetaTrader. Stop expecting everything to be chewed up for you. After all, this is a site for traders, not amateurs.

If you would moderate your arrogance in favour of a more methodical presentation of the material and would not send to the Internet for information that you missed in the articles (which, with this approach, you can not write at all, but send everyone to Google at once), it would be much easier for the readers. And insulting them does not honour you as an author or as a moderator.

Jonathan Pereira #:
If you had any ability at all, you would have realised that between the first and second part you already have enough information to adapt to your trading environment. Use your head and use sites like https://brapi.dev/docs to enrich your analysis and implementation in MetaTrader. Stop expecting everything to be chewed up for you. After all, this is a site for traders, not amateurs.
Imho, Señor Pereira is burning somehow unconstructively, in the style of "you are a fool yourself".... Apparently Senor Pereira has not seen Stanislav's textbook, so he is so categorical....