Help with Metatrader4 not letting me place trades ( buy sell buttons not live )


MT4 is not letting me place trades dude to the buy / sell buttons not active 

Full reinstall not fixing problem

Android phone up to date

Across 3 brokers all the same regardless of currency pair 

Accounts still active when using brokers websites just not on MT4 

thanks Tim


Are you sure that you are not logged into your trading account with the investor (read only) password?

Have you tried with smaller lot size, maybe there is not enough margin for this 1 lot trade.


No i have not changed anything . it was working fine yesterday and for the full year i have been using MT4 . Its across 3 brokers . I have fully deleted all data and done a full install again . Will not let me buy/sell anything . ( see the bottom attention message ) never seen that before ? 

timdouglas81 #:

No i have not changed anything . it was working fine yesterday and for the full year i have been using MT4 . Its across 3 brokers . I have fully deleted all data and done a full install again . Will not let me buy/sell anything . ( see the bottom attention message ) never seen that before ? 

Have you tried with smaller lot size, maybe there is not enough margin for this 1 lot trade.

Have logged in on a friends phone and its working fine . App fully unistalled on my phone and reinstalled - all other apps / phone is working as it should 

Will not let me place any size trade large or small . 

Try updating the terminal to version 1418.