Error of McAfee and Avast antivirus software about metalang.exe

Attention! Warning about virus in metalang.exe is an error of antivirus software!

We've contacted with McAfee support team and received the confirmation that its a McAfee antivirus software error and metalang.exe is clear software without any viruses:

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 2007.04.28 05:44
Subject: RE: Re: Wrong McAfee activity
> Hello Mr. Mazhit Mugattarov,
> We have already fixed this. Our current DATs (5019) do not detect this file.
> Please ask you customers/users to update their DAT set.
> Regards,
> Rachit Mathur
> Virus Research Engineer
> McAfee AVERT (TM)
> A division of McAfee, Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mazhit Mugattarov (MetaQuotes)
> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 5:24 AM
> To:
> Subject: [#149108] Re: Wrong McAfee activity
> Dear Rachit Mathur,
> Thank you for your email.
> Based on your conclusion:
> > Detected as : New
> > Identified: No Virus/Trojan
> Could you please update the internal bases of your McAfee software so that
> in future your software correctly process the file metalang.exe?
> Best regards, Mazhit Mugattarov
> MetaQuotes Software Corp

As you see, it was a false message from McAfee antivirus software, and its developers have confirmed that. Virus Research Engineer of McAfee has admitted and confirmed that metalang.exe is clear software without any viruses. And note that McAfee team fixed the error in own antivirus currently.

Error of Avast antivirus:

Look into following picture which contain result of metalang.exe (latest file from LiveUpdate) scan at AVAST Online Scan Service ( ):

Metalang.exe is clear.

Once more again: False message of McAfee and Avast is an error of antivirus software!