MQL5 Cloud Network: Financial Operations Are Launched in Test Mode - page 2


MQL5 Cloud has just started so there are not enough tasks for computation. We will grow it up.

okay .... another question 
 my computers made around 120 PR in 2 hours .... and then it dropped to 100 then went up to 117 then dropped to 110 (now 125)  !!!!

but the number of jobs are the same and increasing , how is this ?
is it a bug or what ? 



update 1 : now they dropped to 68 despite 1355 jobs done  !!!!!! 


okay .... another question 
 my computers made around 120 PR in 2 hours .... and then it dropped to 100 then went up to 117 then dropped to 110 (now 125)  !!!!

but the number of jobs are the same and increasing , how is this ?
is it a bug or what ? 



update 1 : now they dropped to 68 despite 1355 jobs done  !!!!!! 

Hiya Dr.GM that PR is the indicator based on (Admins can you give the base specs of a machine that does PR100 please?) - I'm guessing here - depending on what that machine is doing at that time the PR will drop since its not taking 100% usage.

  As an example this is a "Intel Core i5-2540M @ 2.60GHz, 3240MB" - running 4 threads - currently sitting playing a flash game and without mains (battery) my PR's are from 122 to 149.  On mains its a bit better, without the game and other apps running its a bit better.



Hiya Dr.GM that PR is the indicator based on (Admins can you give the base specs of a machine that does PR100 please?) - I'm guessing here - depending on what that machine is doing at that time the PR will drop since its not taking 100% usage.

  As an example this is a "Intel Core i5-2540M @ 2.60GHz, 3240MB" - running 4 threads - currently sitting playing a flash game and without mains (battery) my PR's are from 122 to 149.  On mains its a bit better, without the game and other apps running its a bit better.


i donno what do you mean by "Indicator" ?
my PR was climbing on the 4 cores ... and for no reason it dropped from up to 130 down to around 60 !! 

and assuming there was some error , why would they keep counting the jobs my processors do for FREE and their clock still ticking and my CPU usage it at its max on all cores by "metaTester.exe"  ?
multiplying this to the formula they gave , i should get "at least" trice the income not just 7 cents for 24 (actual 24 hours of load) !! 

 anyway , i'll be keeping this test for another 4 days then i'll decide to back off or install it on my data center 



i donno what do you mean by "Indicator" ?
my PR was climbing on the 4 cores ... and for no reason it dropped from up to 130 down to around 60 !! 

and assuming there was some error , why would they keep counting the jobs my processors do for FREE and their clock still ticking and my CPU usage it at its max on all cores by "metaTester.exe"  ?
multiplying this to the formula they gave , i should get "at least" trice the income not just 7 cents for 24 (actual 24 hours of load) !! 

 anyway , i'll be keeping this test for another 4 days then i'll decide to back off or install it on my data center 



  If you look at this - MQL5 Cloud Network: Financial Operations Are Launched in Test Mode - it shows what PR is in more detail and that a machine WORKING for 1 hour with a PR of 100 makes 1c.  PR 100 is a unit of measure of some base configuration that the cloud operators have.

  If you open and login you should see your processing stats and balances.  If that is not increasing you have a problem, have you followed these instructions - pay particular attention to the bit about the cloud network - cause if thats not right they will be doing it free. 

  On a last note, the profit columns only update once a day at midnight russian time - so as long as you see the number of tests passed increasing on when logged in - the tests and time should be accumulating to your account.

   Hope that helps, or if not the admins can help more.

   On a last final note, no fair you have a datacenter - my work won't even let me install the tester on our development servers to run after hours - but good luck !



  If you look at this - MQL5 Cloud Network: Financial Operations Are Launched in Test Mode - it shows what PR is in more detail and that a machine WORKING for 1 hour with a PR of 100 makes 1c.  PR 100 is a unit of measure of some base configuration that the cloud operators have.

  If you open and login you should see your processing stats and balances.  If that is not increasing you have a problem, have you followed these instructions - pay particular attention to the bit about the cloud network - cause if thats not right they will be doing it free. 

  On a last note, the profit columns only update once a day at midnight russian time - so as long as you see the number of tests passed increasing on when logged in - the tests and time should be accumulating to your account.

   Hope that helps, or if not the admins can help more.

   On a last final note, no fair you have a datacenter - my work won't even let me install the tester on our development servers to run after hours - but good luck !

hi , 

and how the PR is actually calculated ?

because still my cores made 120 PR for hours but still i didn't get the same reward and the PR is reduced despite the fact that the computer is just left untouched , so they had the full power with no problem


i double check the rest of the instruction and everything is correct and as how it should be


regarding the data center , it's not about fairness or not , as the money is by no mean going to my pocket or the pocket of anyone else, but actually to help the hospital to reduce the cost of operation and cover those who can not pay (finding new resources) , you know most governments over the world don't care about health services as much as they care about the military/business services.... but after all it will reward us "traders " to maximize the optimization capability ...  and the hospital from the other side 
so i think it's fair enough :)

good luck  


hi , 

and how the PR is actually calculated ?

because still my cores made 120 PR for hours but still i didn't get the same reward and the PR is reduced despite the fact that the computer is just left untouched , so they had the full power with no problem


i double check the rest of the instruction and everything is correct and as how it should be


regarding the data center , it's not about fairness or not , as the money is by no mean going to my pocket or the pocket of anyone else, but actually to help the hospital to reduce the cost of operation and cover those who can not pay (finding new resources) , you know most governments over the world don't care about health services as much as they care about the military/business services.... but after all it will reward us "traders " to maximize the optimization capability ...  and the hospital from the other side 
so i think it's fair enough :)

good luck  

Hi Dr.Gm,

  Glad  you would put the money towards the hospital.  I'm not an admin, so I can't give you answers other than what I found worked for me.

  I wonder if you don't have something like a virus checker or automated backup that ran at the time your PR dropped.  The only other way to quickly halve your PR is to run more more agents than you have logical cores.  I tried on a P4 2.8Ghz machine (very old) it went from 35 to 18 ;)

  (btw a "Intel Core2 Duo P8400 @ 2.26GHz, 2971MB" with 2 agents clocks in at around 74/78 under Vista)

  Hopefully an admin will get back to you and and help out, sorry I can't - otherwise I would happily do so.


okay 3rd day with total outrageous sum of 9 cents for thousands of jobs :D 

i think we need some improvement here   :
1- a graph to visualize the PR change during the day / week / month (and a simple average indicator)

2- built in bandwidth meter 

3- unlocking the ability  the change the affinity and priority of the processes , so we can use use "real time" priority process instead of "low" (over nights) 

4- the ability to use the CUDA cores in graphics cards (i saw some hackers use them to decode information faster than the normal CPU)  because it may rise the speed more than 2000% 

 that's all for now i think 
i'll give it a try on a 16-cores server , 12 GB RAM and 1 Gb connection for 4 days and let's see if i'll get another 3 cents/day :)

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Indicator Constants / Smoothing Methods
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Indicator Constants / Smoothing Methods - Documentation on MQL5
Use Process Lasso to improve the Affinity/Priority for the MetaTrader processes if you need to however, it's not improving PR.  Some magic calculation must be happening.  I do know that I do not suggest running this on a Solid State Drive, the number of HDD write/read are outta control.

So basically if you have a good server, you could earn a some good bucks. I have now 2 similar configuration of Q6600 (one intel P35 chipset motherboard (4Gb memory) , one P45 chipset motherboard (2Gb memory). Both 500Gb SATA2 HDD (WD),...

Until now still dont have many passes and time work! very poor!