AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 165

Ilya Filatov #:

So it has material properties at the level of the structure of its carrier. And all carriers consist of quarks (if not, give an example). The primitive laws of their combination and interactions give rise to all matter and possibly fields. Out of all this, the information you are discussing (both on a flash drive and in the brain) is arranged. And since it is inseparable from matter and fields, it is them. I.e. both phenomena have merged into one, don't you think?


If I'm not mistaken, you said that information is the information of objects about themselves. This beautiful philosophical thesis in Hegel's style, which I would have accepted "with a hurrah" before, now causes me perplexity. On the one hand, you persistently ignore the fact that the physical existence of information in nature is not fixed, on the other hand, you juggle with terms and theories of physicists, adjusting them to your logic. That is, where it is convenient for you - you rely on the fruits of scientific research, and where it is not - you boldly throw out their conclusions)).

How do you know quarks exist? - Physicists told you. And why don't you perceive when physicists say that information is not a physical quantity? ))

Let's deal with this contradiction first. 🤔

Ilya Filatov #:


I consider information as a product of interpretation of interaction of a living system with the environment, which accepts the given influences and forms an individual reaction. The impression of data - interpretation - reaction is information.

At the same time, data do not exist by themselves, but arise only in the interaction of matter with a living system.
Реter Konow #:
If I'm not mistaken, you claimed that information is information of objects about themselves. This beautiful philosophical thesis in the Hegelian style, which I would have accepted "with a hurrah" before, now causes me perplexity. On the one hand, you persistently ignore the fact that the physical existence of information in nature is not fixed, and on the other hand, you juggle with terms and theories of physicists, adjusting them to your logic. That is, where it is convenient for you - you rely on the fruits of scientific research, and where it is not - you throw out their conclusions)).

Yes, matter contains all information about itself in the "language of the Universe" (some atomic level), if you want. That is why it (its components) is where it is, manifesting itself in this way and not otherwise (because otherwise it would be impossible to establish where this or that particle is and what properties it possesses, whether it exists, how many of them there are, etc.).

And just the fact that no separate from material phenomenon of information is fixed, clearly indicates that there is nothing except matter. But does this mean that there is no information? No, because matter is organised, can store and process "information" (which, as we know, relies only on material physics), in other words, manifests itself as information (regardless of whether we "observe" it, "read" it or not).

And we, human beings, are only an incidental phenomenon at a high level of organisation of matter. And at our level of matter organisation we encounter generalised ideas about the physical world, which are encoded by us in a convenient way at our level.

I do not understand your attacks that I do not listen to all physicists in a row because they are physicists. Does that obligate me to anything? On the contrary, I follow my logic of knowledge of the world. I have stated it above, comment on it.

Ilya Filatov #:

Yes, matter contains all the information about itself in the "language of the Universe" (some atomic level), if you like. That is why it (its constituents) is where it is, manifesting itself in this way and not otherwise (because otherwise it would be impossible to establish where this or that particle is and what properties it possesses, whether it exists, how many of them there are, etc.).

And just the fact that no separate from material phenomenon of information is fixed, clearly indicates that there is nothing except matter. But does this mean that there is no information? No, because matter is organised, can store and process "information" (which, as we know, relies only on material physics), in other words, manifests itself as information (regardless of whether we "observe" it, "read" it or not).

And we, human beings, are only an incidental phenomenon at a high level of organisation of matter. And at our level of matter organisation we encounter generalised ideas about the physical world, which are encoded by us in a convenient way at our level.

I do not understand your attacks that I do not listen to all physicists in a row because they are physicists. Does that obligate me to anything? On the contrary, I follow my logic of knowledge of the world. I stated it above, comment on it.

Now I see what you mean. You view existence through the prism of a computer programme, where material objects have functions and properties that make them behave in a way intended by someone. And this "code", supposedly written at the level of quarks, is, according to you, "information".

Developing further your logic, we can assume that the laws of physics - also a programme? And we, accordingly, are a simulation. Moreover, the prototype of evolution is probably a genetic algorithm, which was written before it....

In an interesting way, such a worldview solves all the mysteries of the universe at once.

I study the field of Mind and information interests me only in this context. Understanding of mechanisms of processing and interpretation of data of the surrounding world by a human being will allow to imitate in the best way the work of his intellect. Theories that information exists either by itself or in tandem with matter, do not explain its role in the sphere of life activity of simple and complex organisms and do not open the door to the creation of new generation AI. Therefore, I am not interested in them.

We must realise the limited potential of the statistical approach, and that beyond it, there is another approach. It is the one that uses our minds.
any strategy in a minute. here's an example of chat gpt
qsxs76yus0.png  35 kb
Viktar Maksimenka #:
Any strategy in a minute. Here's an example of chatgpt.

Now we have enabled copying of the best strategies and chatgpt perfectly repeats and detects regularities and creates such code as well. magic. and the main thing is that everything works.

Viktar Maksimenka #:

Now we have enabled copying of the best strategies and chatgpt perfectly repeats and detects regularities and creates such code as well. magic. and the main thing is that everything works.

Don't flood, please. Or after your topic you will be sent to the ban.
I'm trying to connect AutoGpt. I think I've got it all worked out. I even got the pinecone connected. But I haven't linked the card anywhere. When I start AutoGpt via batch run it says in the console: lease set your OpenAI API key in .env or as an environment variable.
You can get your key from platform openai com/account/api-keys
Although the key is set in .env
Do I have to pay something or enter data in billing?
An API for accessing new AI models developed by OpenAI
Алексей K. #:
I'm trying to connect AutoGpt. I think I've got it all worked out. I even got the pinecone connected. But I haven't linked the card anywhere. When I start AutoGpt via batch run it says in the console: lease set your OpenAI API key in .env or as an environment variable.
You can get your key from platform openai com/account/api-keys
Although the key is set in .env
Do I have to pay something or enter data in billing?
Yes. It's kind of a paid service.