AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 163

Ivan Butko #:

It cannot exist in nature, because nature is matter.

The point is that information itself is immaterial.
Sergey Gridnev #:
The speech is about information itself being immaterial.

This is my speech when someone first said in the thread that information is matter.

Реter Konow #:
The diagram in your post is almost exactly what I said earlier (although I've said it before), but omits the work of converting data into information. Also, the additional division into information and knowledge seems superfluous. Information, knowledge, information, representations are essentially the same thing - different levels of interpretation of data.

Note that nowhere does it say that information exists independently in nature.

The search results do confirm that there is no single, universally accepted definition of the term "information". The meaning of information can vary depending on the context in which it is used, as well as specific areas of knowledge and research.

For example, in mathematics, information may refer to the level of uncertainty or entropy in a given system. In philosophy, information can be seen as the reflection of objective reality in human consciousness. In psychology, information can be understood as stimuli that affect our senses and trigger mental processes. In communication, information can be defined as the message transmitted from sender to receiver.

These different definitions and perspectives emphasise the multifaceted and complex nature of the concept of information. Thus, it can be difficult to arrive at a single, definitive meaning of information that accurately reflects its scope and importance in different domains.

To summarise, although there is no universally accepted definition of information, it is clear that the term is highly contextual and multifaceted in its meaning and implications. Different fields and perspectives offer unique insights into what information is and how it can be understood and utilised in different contexts.

Information may or may not be available for a variety of reasons. For example, information may not be available to the public, may be copyrighted, or may be confidential. Also, information may not be available for technical reasons, for example, if the site where it is posted is temporarily down. At the same time, information to which the user cannot access exists regardless of the user's inability to access it.

Lilita Bogachkova #:

The search results do confirm that there is no single, universally accepted definition of the term 'information'. The meaning of information can vary depending on the context in which it is used, as well as specific areas of knowledge and research.

For example, in mathematics, information may refer to the level of uncertainty or entropy in a given system. In philosophy, information can be seen as the reflection of objective reality in human consciousness. In psychology, information can be understood as stimuli that affect our senses and trigger mental processes. In communication, information can be defined as a message transmitted from the sender to the receiver.

These different definitions and perspectives emphasise the multifaceted and complex nature of the concept of information. Thus, it can be difficult to arrive at a single, definitive meaning of information that accurately reflects its scope and importance in different domains.

To summarise, although there is no universally accepted definition of information, it is clear that the term is highly contextual and multifaceted in its meaning and implications. Different fields and perspectives offer unique insights into what information is and how it can be understood and utilised in different contexts.

Information may or may not be available for a variety of reasons. For example, information may not be available to the public, may be copyrighted, or may be confidential. Also, information may not be available for technical reasons, for example, if the site where it is posted is temporarily down. At the same time, information to which a user cannot access exists regardless of the user's inability to access it.

Without diving into the enumeration of types of information and methods of working with it, of which there are a gigantic number, we can give information a brief definition that summarises all of the above.

I suggest you try to do it. )
Реter Konow #:
Without diving into the enumeration of types of information and methods of working with it, of which there are a gigantic number, we can give a brief definition of information, summarising all of the above.

I suggest you try to do it. )

Information is the transmission and receipt of knowledge, facts, data, and messages between a sender and a receiver that may have meaning or significance to the receiver or to society as a whole. However, the definition of information can be multifaceted and contextual, and may have different meaning and value in different spheres and contexts. Information may be available or unavailable from a variety of reasons, and understanding what information is and how to use it depends on its scope and context.

First, list the properties of information
Aliaksandr Hryshyn #:
First, list the properties of information


  • Accuracy and validity: information must present facts and data that can be verified and validated.
  • Usefulness and value: the information must be related to the task or problem to be solved and be relevant to the recipient.
  • Timeliness and relevance: the information should be provided at the right time and be relevant to current circumstances.
  • Comprehensibilityand accessibility: the information should be presented in a clear form and language that can be understood by the recipient.
  • Completeness: the information must contain all relevant data and facts that can be useful to the recipient.
  • Confidentiality: some types of information should be protected from unauthorised access.
  • Relevanceto the context and purpose of use: information should be relevant to the task to be accomplished and presented in the right context.
  • Organised and structured: information should be presented in a logical order and arranged for ease of use.
Sergey Gridnev #:
I'm talking about information as a property of an object. Those were your words.

the properties of an object are information. The very existence of an object and its properties is information. If there is no object, there is no information, and vice versa.))) I didn't understand what you mean. The objects of the world in the form of matter and fields carry information about themselves in the form of their properties)).

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

the properties of the object are infa. The very existence of an object and its properties is information. If there is no object, there is no information and vice versa))))) I didn't understand what you mean. Objects of the world in the form of matter and fields carry information about themselves in the form of their properties.)

And "word" is also a property of an object? After all, a person can describe an object with words, can't he?
Lilita Bogachkova #:


  • Accuracy and reliability: information should present facts and data that can be verified and validated.
  • Usefulness and value: the information should be related to the task or problem to be solved and be relevant to the recipient.
  • Timeliness and relevance: the information should be provided at the right time and be relevant to current circumstances.
  • Comprehensibilityand accessibility: the information should be presented in a clear form and language that can be understood by the recipient.
  • Completeness: the information must contain all relevant data and facts that can be useful to the recipient.
  • Confidentiality: some types of information should be protected from unauthorised access.
  • Relevanceto the context and purpose of use: information should be relevant to the task to be accomplished and presented in the right context.
  • Organised and structured: information should be presented in a logical order and arranged for ease of use.

These are desires about the information, but not properties