AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 160

Реter Konow #:
Strictly speaking, odour is the subjective perception of molecular chemistry by living things.

The information extracted from odours is an individual interpretation by each particular organism of its reaction to the chemical composition of the environment.

A chemical environment that does not interact with the cells responsible for the sense of smell carries no information because there is no interpreter.

There are as many options for interpreting an odour as there are species of creatures, and the Environment contains only chemistry.

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AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT.

Lilita Bogachkova, 2023.05.01 13:04

..., information is an interpretation of data. Data are facts or signals that can be measured, observed, or recorded. Information is the meaning or significance we assign to data depending on our knowledge, experience, and purpose. For example, the number 42 can be thought of as data that can be stored in a computer or recorded on paper. But for different people or for different contexts, this number may have different meaning or information. It might be a simple number to a mathematician, the answer to a basic question about life, the universe and everything else to a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy fan, or a random number to someone else.

Thus, information is not simply an interpretation of data, but rather a complex and subjective process of giving meaning to data.

Andrey Dik #:

what you say out loud is data, what the interlocutor gets by interpreting the data is information, he passes the information to the next interlocutor, for the next interlocutor it is also data and then information. right?

what is the point of introducing the data/information division when dealing with the notion of "information"?))))))

We exchange data, depending on the receiver he receives information or not.

As long as the data is travelling along a wire or resting on a flash drive, there is no information.

If the data somehow excites the receiver with a light touch, it has received information, it has been affected.
Lilita Bogachkova #:

This already seems like wishful thinking, of course, information is an interpretation of data. Data are facts or signals that can be measured, observed or recorded. Information is the meaning or significance we give to data depending on our knowledge, experience and purpose. For example, the number 42 can be thought of as data that can be stored in a computer or recorded on paper. But for different people or for different contexts, this number may have different meaning or information. It might be a simple number to a mathematician, the answer to a basic question about life, the universe and everything else to a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy fan, or a random number to someone else.

Thus, information is not simply the interpretation of data, but rather the complex and subjective process of giving meaning to data.


Lilita Bogachkova #:

The last paragraph of your post resolves the contradiction between our positions. If information is "a complex, subjective process of giving meaning to data", then it exists only in the realm of mind. Matter cannot give meaning to data (interpret).
Sergey Gridnev #:
The point is that data may not carry information. The simplest example, as it seems to me, is words-parasites in human speech. I.e. a person "encoding" information into speech supplements it with words that not only do not carry information but also make it difficult to extract it from what is heard. Moreover, some of them manage to build their speech in such a way that even a native speaker does not understand what it is about. 🤷🏻‍♂️

to put it more strictly, as Lilita said, information is interpreted data. at different stages source-receiver-source-receiver data is information and then data again. the possibility of interpreting data is subjective, a person under substances may not understand what is being said to him in any language, but the data/information they want to convey has not become worse because of this.

where is the line between understood/not understood, enough information/data is not enough?))) it is necessary either to accept that data/information cannot exist outside the carrier (the head is also a carrier) and also to accept that data/information can be on the carrier outside the consciousness of a living being. otherwise the practical sense of the discussion is rapidly coming to naught.

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:

We exchange data, depending on the receiver it either receives the information or it doesn't.

While the data is travelling along a wire or resting on a flash drive, there is no information.

If the data somehow excites the receiver with a light touch, it gets information, it's been affected.

well. does this change the field of knowledge of information technologies from a practical point of view? i.e. you can accept that data can be on a flash drive, but you can't accept that information can be stored on a flash drive. religion doesn't allow you to store information on a flash drive?))) how to store, process, create new information in a non-human head then? well, if you don't like the word "information", then use the word "data", but what will it change?))

Andrey Dik #:

well. does this change the field of knowledge of information technologies from a practical point of view? i.e. you can accept that a flash drive can contain data, but you can't accept that a flash drive can't store information. religion doesn't allow you to store information on a flash drive?)))) how to store, process, create new information in a non-human head then? well, if you don't like the word "information", then use the word "data", but what will change?))

Because data is matter, whereas information is an abstraction.

My common sense does not allow me to store information, to count it in cubic metres, to assume its existence at all.

It's probably (and obviously) difficult for some people.

Реter Konow #:
The last paragraph of your post resolves the contradiction between our positions. If information is "a complex, subjective process of giving meaning to data", then it exists only in the realm of mind. Matter, giving meaning to data (interpretation) cannot.

There is a comment somewhere above about how we see stars when we observe them through different telescopes. So, a star contains all this information, but we only see each specific piece of information with a special telescope. If we only look with one telescope, then our interpretation of the data does not mean that it is wrong in the amount of specific data observed, but it is wrong if we take that data as the only data and make decisions based on it.

So to reiterate, information (data, facts, etc) exists whether we know about them or not. We can only misinterpret the data and accept incomplete information as true.

But that in itself does not disprove the fact that stars may contain data that we cannot yet see. And since light from observable stars can take millions of years to reach us, the information it carries with it is millions of years old, but we can observe it at this time and within our capabilities.

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:

1.Because data is matter, whereas information is an abstraction.

2. My common sense does not allow me to store information, to count it in cubic metres, to assume its existence at all

It's probably (and obviously) difficult for some people.

well, we have already agreed to the point that you equate data and matter....

information for you is a philosophical concept, you have the right. for me information is a practical concept used in information technologies. for me it is quite normal that information can be stored, processed, compressed and unpacked. most likely you call the word "information" something else, but then it is off-topic within the forum.

Lilita Bogachkova #:

There is a comment somewhere above about how we see stars when we observe them through different telescopes. So, a star contains all this information, but we only see each specific piece of information with a special telescope. If we only look with one telescope, then our interpretation of the data does not mean that it is wrong in the amount of specific data observed, but it is wrong if we take that data as the only data and make decisions based on it.

So to reiterate, information (data, facts, etc) exists whether we know about them or not. We can only misinterpret the data and accept incomplete information as true.

But that in itself does not disprove the fact that stars may contain data that we cannot yet see. And since light from observable stars can take millions of years to reach us, the information it carries with it is millions of years old, but we can observe it at a given time and within our capabilities.

We go round and round in circles. When you say that information exists outside of us, I suggest you name its physical properties. You say there are none because information is an abstraction. I say right, so it only exists in the realm of the mind, you say no, it exists independently of us.

According to you, information is an abstraction without physical properties that magically exists in nature.