AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 134

Ivan Butko #:

This is what I have been saying for many times)

Even Nobel laureates are not needed here, logic - it is not about the authorities of science, it is about objectivity. And, if we talk about physics, we mean the presence of physical properties. If they are absent, then it is not physics, and therefore - unrealistic and invalid. Anything: dream, postirony, Cheburashka, communism, gossip, anecdote, Operation Y, vampire hickey, any information background, stream of thoughts, delirium, but not physics.

And when logic is violated, consequently, the way to sophistry, or fantasy, or delusion, but not to objectivity is opened. And logic says: either A or NOT A, there is no third. Either discrete or non-discrete. Either matter or non-matter. If matter, it must have material properties. If not matter - it must not have material properties.

We have a phenomenon that does not fit into physics: it has no physical properties, but it exists. It is colour. Colours. It's a rainbow. Colours cannot be touched, they cannot be measured. You can only measure a wave, a wavelength. But colour is information from the outside world. Colour is immaterial. A wave is material, but colour is not.
There's Cheburashka - he's immaterial. The TV is material because it shows Cheburashka. A soft toy is material, which expresses Cheburashka. But they are not a Cheburashka and never will be, because the latter is a fictional information object. And how much you do not increase the diagonal of the TV set, the cheburashka in it, in its fictional world - will not change its fictional size.

And if we observe a phenomenon that has no physical and material properties - then it is immaterial.

Don't get hung up on one type of information: description of physical phenomena (colour, sound). There is also useless information, rubbish, memes, videos about alkas fighting, etc. Such information has no usefulness for the survival of the organism and other things. But its existence shows that the phenomenon is wider, more extensive than colour and sound.

I understand that doubters have dissonance exactly about objective information - description of phenomena. They want so much to say "colour is material", "sound is material". Waves are material (sound and light), and the fact that we hear Beethoven and see the sky blue - this is the brain's chemistry. But the symphony itself does not fly in the clouds, you cannot measure it with an arschin.

I repeat: do not confuse information and information carrier. They are not the same thing.

Physics, logic, philosophy are only ways of describing the surrounding world invented by Man. At different stages of Man's development these ways of description differed in completeness, everything that did not fit into the description - recognised as non-existent)))

Colour is not a phenomenon and not a material object, it is a way of perception of waves of corresponding length. The range of colour perception and the way colour is perceived even in different people is different, not to mention different species of animals, which could argue forever about how they see the world around them.

Cheburashka? Trafisochron? Mebulososa? What is it, anyway? As long as we don't know what a "Cheburashka" is, it's a blank slate. You have to watch a cartoon from some medium to read information about Cheburashka. Cheburashka is information. The completeness of information about Cheburashka can be such that he can be created literally, breathing, farting and posting to Instagram. So information can be not only about real-life objects, but also about fictional ones. The completeness of information determines how accurately an object can be reproduced, recreated, the object itself has the most complete information about itself as possible. Matter is waves, material objects are matter encoded by waves, waves are carriers of information just as electromagnetic waves are used to transmit information. In sum, information is a description of something (description of an object or phenomenon), and can be characterised by completeness. The object is itself information in the form of waves in space and has complete information about itself. And usefulness of information is a characteristic that determines human need and has nothing to do with qualitative characteristics of information and objects.

So yes, information, information carrier are not the same thing, of course).

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:
Under usefulness there is an impact on the content, no matter with what sign. You can think of other words. In essence, there is no information, just a funny word, well, and to confuse someone in definitions. At the everyday level, there should be no problems with understanding, most people have enough of it. If you go deeper into philosophy and category theory, then you will have to think more strictly so that you don't get lost. Like that matter hatches out of information. Only in quantum physics there is already information of its own, it is just called so by the principle of analogies, for lack of other words.

It is peculiar for a man to call things so that it would fit into his idea of the world. Often words are not enough to describe something and new words and definitions appear).


Information can be compressed in an interesting way.

Example: instead of a full description of chemical elements and the position of atoms in the space of the object "Bread", we can describe bread with a recipe. The recipe allows the objects to be recreated.

Apparently, DNA is a recipe, not a full description of a living being, a recipe for working with proteins and amino acids. Two identical people can grow from the same DNA, but they will be different in the way that two loaves of bread would be different.

"Recipes" are often used by programmers, it's an awesome way to compress information, instead of a pixel-by-pixel description of a 10000x10000 image you can write an algorithm in a couple of lines that will write an image of any resolution.

Hence: we can try to write a programme that implements the recipe for an intelligent, thinking being, AI "Cheburashka", to write genes that can be genetically modified, arranging artificial evolution. This would require describing what is required in the output, big ears are a must.)))))) As one of the approaches to create an AI, imitating the natural evolution of Man.

The Universe could have originated in the same way by a short "recipe". The recipe, when fulfilled, from the initial hydrogen everything emerges, including Man (trying to create a real AI) and much more intelligent beings.
Andrey Dik #:

The physics we know does not operate with the concept of "information" - from this point of view information is not a physical object.

information is matter, substance itself. when we look at an object, we read information from the object, its shape, colour, properties of refraction and reflection of light. i.e. we read information, we walk along the street and look around, constantly scanning the space, vision, hearing, touch and smell - receptors, sensors. the received information from the surrounding world is a brief copy of information-description of objects, while the objects themselves are a complete description of information about themselves.


well, I'm not really a physicist, so excuse me)))

information can be understood in different ways, one of the different notions I tried to describe. in general, it seems that with information you can do various interesting things with impunity, such as teleportation, extraction of pure energy, and many other useful things in the economy))))

When an organism interacts with the physical environment - matter, radiation, waves, fields and other forms of matter, it forms individual reactions of the nervous system. Over time, patterns of external stimuli emerge in the NS. "Virtual copies" are hybrids of objective influences and "subjective" reactions. Then, the interaction is reproduced "virtually", without the participation of matter. The NS optimises the organism's behaviour in the environment based on previously acquired experience. It adjusts reactions to stimuli without the stimuli themselves.

Information is a product of data processing obtained from the interaction of the organism with the external world.

Information is secondary to data. It arises after their processing and construction of models by the nervous system.

Data is secondary to matter and arises at the level of matter - organism, at the moment of their interaction.

Information recorded on media is a product of higher nervous activity, which virtualised the world far beyond the boundaries of its physical stimuli.

Реter Konow #:
When an organism interacts with the physical environment - matter, radiation, waves, fields and other forms of matter - it forms individual reactions of the nervous system. Over time, models of external stimuli emerge in the NS. "Virtual copies" are hybrids of objective influences and "subjective" reactions. Then, the interaction is reproduced "virtually", without the participation of matter. The NS optimises the organism's behaviour in the environment based on previously acquired experience. It adjusts reactions to stimuli without the stimuli themselves.

Information is a product of data processing obtained from the interaction of the organism with the external world.

Information is secondary to data. It arises after their processing and model building by the nervous system.

Data is secondary to matter and arises at the level of matter - organism, at the moment of their interaction.

Information recorded on media is a product of higher nervous activity, which virtualised the world far beyond its physical stimuli.

You describe information as a product of neural activity. Ok, taking an ice core and getting information about the chemical composition of the atmosphere millions of years ago, is that not information in ice? By linking information in ice cores and other geological information we can reconstruct the history of the Earth with a high degree of accuracy. What does this have to do with neural activity? Information is everywhere, in objects.

Andrey Dik #:

You're describing information as a product of neural activity. Well, we take an ice core and get information about the chemical composition of the atmosphere millions of years ago, is that not information in ice? By linking information in ice cores and other geological information we can reconstruct the history of the Earth with a high degree of accuracy. What does this have to do with neural activity? Information is everywhere, in objects.

That's what "higher neural activity" is - manipulation of object models.

Models of objects are created by the brain. The brain is the nervous system.

Information is your "models" of objects in the outside world. You can do whatever you want with them.

Models of objects don't exist outside the nervous system. So Information doesn't exist outside the nervous system.

The carriers of information don't carry it. YOU are the one who carries the information on the carriers. And only YOU can use it.
Реter Konow #:
This is "higher neural activity" - manipulation of object models.

Models of objects are created by the brain. The brain is the nervous system.

Information is your "models" of objects in the outside world. You can do whatever you want with them.

Models of objects do not exist outside the nervous system. So Information does not exist outside the nervous system.

The carriers of information don't carry it. YOU are the one who carries the information on the carriers. And only you can use it.

The "higher nervous system" operates only with an incomplete copy of information about the outside world. Are you receiving information from me? - So I'm only in your imagination?)))))) The world quietly exchanges information without your participation in particular and without reasonable activity in general. The clearest and simplest example is the exchange of genetic information in cells and with the help of viruses. Viruses are not living organisms at all, but they carry information, transmit and exchange information, changing cells and changing themselves. And all this is just waves carrying information, forming new matter, new objects. What you see in the microscope as particles are not particles, they just look like that when they transfer information about themselves in the form of a wave of visible range, this is how we perceive particles, but they are not. They are just waves, you are a piece of wave, I am a wave, everything around is a wave, modulated in frequency and amplitude. Our perception only depends on scale, what we perceive as a solid object is "empty" inside, everything is rarefied. If we increase the scale to the size of galactic clusters, the "solidity" disappears as well, stars and planets are no longer solid objects but gas, freely circulating in space, galaxies collide and fly away and the inhabitants of some planet may not even notice it - space is so rarefied in the scale of galactic clusters. The same happens in the microcosm, if we go deeper inside, it turns out that there is nothing there - emptiness, i.e. if we imagine a wave of such a high frequency that it penetrates unobstructed inside solid objects, gamma radiation has such a small wavelength:

-less than 2⋅10-¹⁰ metres - and, as a consequence, strongly corpuscular and weakly wave-like properties

we simply do not have the perception of such a wavelength, which would be even smaller, so we perceive such waves, like gamma radiation, as particles.


Awesome topic! Thanks to the author and the panellists!

It's funny how differently we look at things, but everyone in general makes absolutely correct statements taking into account their angle of view. We have now more clearly divided information into primary information (matter, "data" about the world) and secondary information (a high-order product of mental reflection). At the same time, both phenomena are called by everyone as if equally. But, we have talked for a few days, and functional differences and signs by which one can be distinguished from the other have already appeared. Such miracles! And it all starts with some strings and their manifestations in the form of colour-flavoured quarks 😄


If we make a transmitter that converts the objects we see into a wave commensurate with gamma waves or less, and a receiver that gathers back the received wave into an object, we get a teleport at the speed of light)). Or you could just transmit an exact description of the object over the internet and create the object on the receiving end. Fast delivery will be a thing of the past, any objects and products will be transmitted over the internet, there will be an MD (microwave decoder) the size of a regular microwave in every house. Maybe the original isotropic properties of objects will be lost, but what difference does it make if the object looks like fried chicken, smells like fried chicken, and has exactly the same composition as fried chicken?))

You make a description of any kind of animal, including hybrid (Cheburashka, don't worry, they won't give you a hard time) in the form of a text query in ObjectGPT, gpt creates a model of the requested object, passes the object to the user's CBM and voila! - delicious fried chicken-chicken-kitty!)))))))


Oh, my God!

"In the beginning was the word.....".....