AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 133

Реter Konow #:
If I may, a few clarifying questions:

1. In what "format", state and location are the information about objects? Are they hovering in the "information field" around us?...written somewhere on the surface of molecules...? or even atoms?
2. In what number system is the information of objects about themselves represented? Binary? Octal? Maybe it is encoded in quotient superpositions? Tell us about the physical representation of information.
3. Take a concrete example: the completeness of information about a kettle includes the instruction for use. The instruction is written by people. Following your logic, the instruction to the kettle exists independently of what people have written. Did the existential "firmware" of the kettle arise before the paper on its bottom? (electric kettle).
4. What happens to information when an object ceases to exist? The kettle is disassembled and the parts are scattered in rubbish bags. What "metamorphosis" does the information about it undergo? Is it rewritten? Is it backed up on the "virtual servers" of the Universe?
5. What about, updates? Are they possible? If the Objects are in the world process (and they are) the information should be periodically updated. How does this happen, given that there are no external observers?
6. How do you imagine an "information environment"? What is it? What does it consist of and according to what laws does it exist?

Let me remind you that physicists may frown if they suddenly discover a new world in the middle of nowhere. And without any formulae or proof. Of course, I am not a physicist, but I realise that science does not like such liberties.

1. No, physical objects themselves are information about them in space (of course, space in this case is the carrier of this information).

2. Judging by the amazing modern discoveries of various quantum phenomena, the basic units of "information" in the medium (apparently consisting of complexly entangled systems of strings in intricately arranged space) are quarks (6 pieces in total + anti-versions = 12), not to be confused with squarks!😄 "Encoding" of information of higher order is the interaction of quarks with the formation of elementary particles and further on up to atoms, molecules, matter with its forms and complex complex interactions between it (and here at this level we usually "reflect" reality by encoding information about these complex objects, but in our own way, for example, in .jpg format 😄).

3- This is already the level of man's interpretation of reality, his way of reflecting reality and applying its mechanics to quench his thirst in tea. Let's say your individual cells that make up your brain don't even realise they are part of what is now reflecting on this text.

4. Just a reminder of the law of conservation of energy, nothing just disappears anywhere. Even at the quantum level, where elementary particles constantly appear and disappear, it is due to the structure of the medium they are in (tricky space).

5. All the information we operate with does not exist somewhere separately. It is simply a certain order of arrangement and interaction of the basic elements that make up everything. And the hard disc, and the neurons of the brain, and scribbles in charcoal on a rock. The very particles of charcoal on the rock are information about the world, but we read our scribbles in them because we see a familiar order.

6. Since I do not seek to separate the material from the information, I do not need to imagine something "next to it" from the space of the Universe and describing its objects. The objects themselves are information.

Well I have no goal to fall in love with science, so I allow myself to speak freely. I hope you don't mind?

Ilya Filatov #:

1. No, physical objects themselves are information about them in prostranstvo (of course, space in this case is a carrier of this information).

2. Judging by the amazing modern discoveries of various quantum phenomena, the basic units of "information" in the medium (apparently consisting of complexly entangled systems of strings in intricately arranged space) are quarks (6 pieces total + anti-versions = 12), not to be confused with squarks!😄 "Encoding" of information of higher order is the interaction of quarks with the formation of elementary particles and further up to atoms, molecules, matter with its forms and complex complex interactions between it (and here at this level we usually "reflect" reality by encoding information about these complex objects, but in our own way, for example, in .jpg format 😄).

3- This is already the level of man's interpretation of reality, his way of reflecting reality and applying its mechanics to quench his thirst in tea. Let's say your individual cells that make up your brain don't even realise they are part of what is now reflecting on this text.

4. Just a reminder of the law of conservation of energy, nothing just disappears anywhere. Even at the quantum level, where elementary particles constantly appear and disappear, this is due to the structure of the medium they are in (tricky space).

5. All the information we operate with does not exist somewhere separately. It is simply a certain order of arrangement and interaction of the basic elements that make up everything. And the hard disc, and the neurons of the brain, and scribbles in charcoal on a rock. The very particles of charcoal on the rock are information about the world, but we read our scribbles in them because we see a familiar order.

6. Since I do not seek to separate the material from the information, I do not need to imagine something "next to it" from the space of the Universe and describing its objects. The objects themselves are information.

Well I have no goal to fall in love with science, so I allow myself to speak freely. I hope you don't mind.

I don't mind.

Last question: information, is it a physical phenomenon or not?

(I argue that it is not).
Реter Konow #:
Last question: information, is it a physical phenomenon or not?
(I argue that it is not).

From point 1 of the previous answer, I think it is clear that it is physical. Another thing is that at high orders of organisation of matter (for example, in our consciousness) something that is very far from matter (for example, ideas of a thinking being) is manifested. But, since consciousness is essentially a phenomenon of highly ordered matter, of course, its products also have a physical nature at their root.

Реter Konow #:
I don't mind.

Last question: information, is it a physical phenomenon or not?

(I argue that it is not).

the physics we know does not operate with the concept of "information" - from this point of view, information is not a physical object.

information is matter itself, substance. when we look at an object, we read information from the object, its shape, colour, properties of refraction and reflection of light. i.e. we read information, we walk down the street and look around, constantly scanning space, sight, hearing, touch and smell - receptors, sensors. The information received from the surrounding world is a brief copy of information-description of objects, while the objects themselves are a complete description of information about themselves. to learn more about an object, we saw it with a saw blade, look what's inside, scan it with X-ray or sound waves to get a more complete description of the object. if we have a complete description of the object, down to the atoms, we can get an exact copy of the object.

A hard disc differs from a clean one by its shape, the shape of the internal structure of the magnetised areas. this is how we approach the ways of storing and compressing information. if we cannot read information, it does not mean that it is not there. information is not only in the object itself, but can also be encoded on the surface, inside in the form of crystal structures or magnetised particles. here we come to the isotropic properties of objects, the more uniform the structure, the less information the object contains.

Thus, it turns out that information is a description (form), structure of a wave, everything around can be represented by waves, including matter itself is essentially a wave. different amount of matter in space is just different concentration of waves. since even in vacuum there are particles (the same waves) having high penetrating power, then already experimentally was obtained matter from vacuum, i.e., concentrated waves into a more dense structure - matter.

well, I'm not such a physicist that ah, so sorry))))

information can be understood in different ways, one of the different concepts I tried to describe. in general, it seems that with information you can do various interesting things with impunity, such as teleportation, extraction of pure energy, and many other useful things in the household))))

Реter Konow #:
I don't mind.

Last question: information, is it a physical phenomenon or not?

(I argue that it is not).

Information is a form of existence of matter.

Алексей Тарабанов #:

Information is a form of existence of matter.

If the cheburashka is immaterial, how can it be a form of matter?

Information is close in meaning to a description of a content or phenomenon, but is neither a content nor a phenomenon. It is transmitted information about the content or phenomenon. It can be transferred to an object by means of another at the moment of their interaction, but it has no existence of its own outside the moment of transfer and is immaterial. The moment of information transfer is characterised by mutual changes in the transmitter and receiver, so it is relevant for physical processes, not only social-psychological ones. Another thing is that information transfer implies usefulness, whereas simple interaction does not. That is, some useful action after information transfer, as in the case of genes, not just a brick falling on your head. Well, and nothing prevents to transfer information by chain through several objects, as in the case with a floppy disc. It doesn't change the meaning.
The content or contents of a floppy disc is information only at the moment of reading and interpretation, i.e. interaction. At another moment it is just content. And even if you read a book and understand nothing of its contents, no information has been transferred.

Form and content:
  1. Aphilos. category describing external manifestations as opposed to content ◆ In relation to matter, form isunderstood as the essence, the content of knowledge of an entity, which is the unity of form and matter. Form and content are inseparable in the sense that there is no material system that does not have content and form. Form is substantial, content is formalised. One does not exist without the other.


Information is not matter or energy, information is information

According to modern concepts, information is considered intangible, and what is contained in the structure of objects is usually called data (representation form - ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010).
Maxim Dmitrievsky #:
Information is close in meaning to a description of a content or phenomenon, but is neither a content nor a phenomenon .

This is what I have been saying for many times)

Even Nobel laureates are not needed here, logic is not about the authorities of science, it is about objectivity. And, if we talk about physics, we mean the presence of physical properties. If they are absent, then it is not physics, and therefore - unrealistic and invalid. Anything: dream, postirony, Cheburashka, communism, gossip, anecdote, Operation Y, vampire hickey, any information background, stream of thoughts, delirium, but not physics.

And when logic is violated, consequently, the way to sophistry, or fantasy, or delusion, but not to objectivity is opened. And logic says: either A or NOT A, there is no third. Either discrete or non-discrete. Either matter or non-matter. If matter, it must have material properties. If not matter - it must not have material properties.

We have a phenomenon that does not fit into physics: it has no physical properties, but it exists. It is colour. Colours. It's a rainbow. Colours cannot be touched, they cannot be measured. You can only measure a wave, a wavelength. But colour is information from the outside world. Colour is immaterial. A wave is material, but colour is not.
There's Cheburashka - he's immaterial. The TV is material because it shows Cheburashka. A soft toy is material, which expresses Cheburashka. But they are not a Cheburashka and never will be, because the latter is a fictional information object. And how much you do not increase the diagonal of the TV set, the cheburashka in it, in its fictional world - will not change its fictional size.

And if we observe a phenomenon that has no physical and material properties - then it is immaterial.

Don't get hung up on one type of information: description of physical phenomena (colour, sound). There is also useless information, rubbish, memes, videos about alkas fighting, etc. Such information has no usefulness for the survival of the organism and other things. But its existence shows that the phenomenon is wider, more extensive than colour and sound.

I understand that doubters have dissonance exactly about objective information - description of phenomena. They want so much to say "colour is material", "sound is material". Waves are material (sound and light), and the fact that we hear Beethoven and see the sky blue - this is the brain's chemistry. But the symphony itself does not fly in the clouds, you cannot measure it with an arschin.

I repeat: do not confuse information and information carrier. They are not the same thing.
onceagain #:

onceagain , No offence, I was browsing memes while drinking a coke and seeds and came across a joke that mocks your form of cognition (completely by accident and timing)

By usefulness we mean impact on the content, no matter what the sign. You can think of other words. In essence, there is no information, just a funny word, well, and to confuse someone in the definitions. At the everyday level, there should be no problems with understanding, most people have enough of it. If you go deeper into philosophy and category theory, then you will have to think more strictly so that you don't get lost. Like that matter hatches out of information. Only in quantum physics there is already its own information, just called so by the principle of analogies, for lack of other words.