AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 93


In general, it is a tool with a large amount of information and methods of obtaining logical and correct conclusions to questions. But in any case a tool, and a tool and even a hammer can be not only for hammering nails)))))

It is possible to lie in someone else's interests, by order, or by algorithm. And feedback, even in simple systems, can lead to a crash, well if software, and maybe to technological disasters).

In general opioid business comes to mind from medical recommendation systems, which have also undergone deep learning)

Of course there is a need for regulation, but only within the framework of morality, not in the interests of certain groups )

Реter Konow #:
I wasn't talking about the axioms of morality. You took those words out of context. I was answering the same thing you're telling me. That morality does not and cannot have axioms in the mathematical sense, and that logic built on such "axioms" is not real.

It was you who said that, attributing their assertion to me for some reason. I was saying that morality is used to derive axioms for various kinds of logical reasoning in practical activities like jurisprudence. That is, morality->axioms, not axioms->morality.

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

It was you who said that, attributing their assertion to me for some reason. My point was that morality is used to derive axioms for various kinds of logical reasoning in practical activities like law. That is, morality->axioms, not axioms->morality.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies.

AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT.

Aleksey Nikolayev, 2023.03.30 21:24

Any logic is based on axiomatics, which is accepted without proof and is external to the logic itself. Within the framework of a logical system, axiomatics can only be required to be internally consistent.

Well, from a practical point of view, meaningfulness, usefulness, adequacy, etc. are still required. You can come up with almost any logic - for example, for Aristotle, the founder of logic, slaves were, by definition, just talking tools. This seems quite monstrous to us, but was quite humane compared to previous times when people were simply killed instead of being turned into slaves.

To summarise, there should be a system of axioms that suits our general state of morality and culture. And already on the basis of this system to make logical conclusions about the presence or absence of reason in people, animals and machines.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT.

Retag Konow, 2023.03.30 22:22.

That's the problem with logic, you can come up with any logic you want. Axioms aren't reliable either. Neuclidean geometry shows this. Reason is capable of overturning all assertions and reversing them (Kant comes to mind).

I am well aware of this "gymnastics" of the mind. Therefore, I don't see the point. It takes time and effort and is of no practical use.

Neither morality nor culture can be built on axioms. Conclusions about the presence or absence of reason in humans cannot be made (remember the Nazis), in animals it is inappropriate, and in machines it is meaningless .

Forgetting about correction of perception and accepting external signs as proofs of fact, we escape from reality and "on the way" rationalise our actions to ourselves and others. We invent scientific theories and write books. .... Then, train AI on them.

The question of ChatGPT's "subjectivity" cannot be solved philosophically, because philosophy does not exist to prove anything. Philosophy "brews" within itself, relies on itself, is generated by itself. It "plays" with the outside world and does not care about objectivity.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies.

AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT.

Aleksey Nikolayev, 2023.03.30 23:20

Eh Peter, your main problem is "Chukcha is not a reader". Everything is normal with non-Euclidean geometry - it is built on axioms and everything necessary is proved.

It is not suggested to build morality on axioms, because it is idiocy forgivable only in the times of Spinoza. On the contrary, it was about building axioms on the basis of awareness of morality and reflection on it - people are different in that they can comprehend the forces that drive them, not just mindlessly follow them.

Philosophy serves as a reminder that we should always ask what we are doing, for what purpose and with what tools, and not just throw around meaningless words under the influence of momentary emotions.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT.

Retag Konow, 2023.03.31 06:04 AM

Those are your talking points. Not mine.

Logic relies on axiomatics, which are accepted without proof... that said, you can make up any logic you want... morality and culture must rest on a system of axioms (which are accepted without proof, and which support logic that you can come up with any logic you want).

I don't know about you, but I find contradictions. Based on these theses I said that philosophy boils in its own cauldron, generating and obfuscating itself, inventing theses and then refuting them.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies.

AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT.

Retag Konow, 2023.03.31 06:15 AM

Give me a hint on how to understand you.

That is, according to your logic, axioms should serve the morality that suits us, justifying it by their special status. That is, ourselves.

It seems that in mathematics, axioms cannot be invented or "constructed".

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies.

AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT.

Retag Konow, 2023.03.31 06:54 AM

Perhaps we should divide logic into mathematical (absolute, standing on axioms) and everyday, human logic.

The essence of an axiom makes it inapplicable in morality, ethics. Axioms do NOT exist in them, and neither does mathematical logic.

Then we must admit that the "logic" that exists in ethics is not logic in its pure form (as in mathematics), but a fake. That is, there is no logic in ethics, and this is quite logical, given that there are no axioms supporting it (because ethics is not maths).

However, such conclusions can lead to anarchy and the collapse of society. So, let's use fake "moral" axioms and somehow justify the flawed but humane logic.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies.

AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT.

Aleksey Nikolayev, 2023.03.31 07:17 AM.

To understand how on the basis of morality arises axiomatics, on the basis of which logic is built, look at jurisprudence. And in fact and historically there everything comes from philosophy, or rather, from its section - ethics. Laws and the practice of their application, just like buns, do not grow on trees. Jurisprudence, like morality, has changed and is changing over time, from the ancient "eye for an eye" to the current defence of animal rights and AI.

Well and it is worth reading Aristotle, who described the construction of axioms by induction and logic from axioms by deduction.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies.

AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT.

Retag Konow, 2023.03.31 07:37 AM

But, do you agree that logic - logic is different? That the axiomatics of morality and mathematics are qualitatively different things? That the moral "axioms" that support moral "logic" are due to subjective reasons, such as the needs of society and the individual, and cannot serve as tools in matters of other fields? What will "pollute" these fields - scientific research, experimentation..... Will they impose unnecessary questions - the humanity of treating a machine, the subjectivity of a computer, the life of synthetic consciousness, etc.? What is better to strictly separate one "logic" and another?

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies.

AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT.

Aleksey Nikolayev, 2023.03.31 08:19 AM

Once again Itell you, there are no axioms and logic in morality) Very roughly speaking, people reflect on the topic of their existing morality and on its basis build axiomatics, which serves as a basis for everyday logical reasoning.

As a simple example, take Asimov's laws of robotics - they are axioms. If we take as an axiom for robots, for example, "the reduction of human suffering", then from here the AI could make a logical conclusion that the complete destruction of people will reduce to zero all human suffering).

Modern science, due to its enormous influence on humans up to their survival as a species, cannot be removed from the realm of ethics and morality. This is a very complex issue and not only theoretical but also practical. For example, genetic transformations of people have both great potential benefit and great potential harm and the existing prohibitions strongly restrain the development of this field of science, but also full permission is dangerous.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing of trading strategies

AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT.

Retag Konow, 2023.03.31 08:45 AM

"Logic" of morality is based on the rules and norms of the society developing in the historical process, and therefore its "axiomaticity" is conditional and is revised periodically. The "laws" of ethics can be heterogeneous and contain both progressive elements and preserved vestiges. It is impossible to build mathematical logic on the basis of ethical attitudes.

Moral issues bring imbalance to scientific research, if the latter remains within the framework of the morality approved by society. Naturally, control over the observance of ethical norms in scientific work is necessary, but the unreasonable introduction of philosophical questions should be strictly filtered.

Ilya Filatov #:

The human world is not homogeneous. The survival of the species and the survival of the individual are completely different tasks. So science can and is a tool for some social groups to realise their own tasks of survival and prosperity. At the same time, such realisation of science may harm the prospects of survival of the species, but will individuals put abstract (for them) tasks of survival of the species above their own survival? Judging by what we encounter in real life, not everyone is concerned about the future of the species.

The survival of the species is not some abstract thing. It manifests itself for most people in having children and giving them the opportunity to live, even when those people themselves will not exist. The vast majority of people will refuse any "improvements" that threaten the survival of their children. The marginalised minority who think otherwise can be neglected because of their insignificant numbers and influence.

Реter Konow #:


Aleksey Nikolayev #:


The concept of "axioms" is inappropriate in matters of morality and non-mathematical logic.


Not AI, you say

You think it's hard to programme an AI to ask questions, get answers, connect the logic of its questions to form a person?

Even GPT3 can be trained to be human. To do this, you will have to prescribe some modules for memory formation, prescribe a limit of tokens per day, teach it to save them. Optimise the accumulated information by remembering a month more, a year more important, 10 years only key events so that tokens are not wasted, etc. All of this can be written. On a good attitude add a good attitude in return, on bad and rude - reduce communication.

Even if you can't write a person, you can write a dog. It will be drawn to people, serve them. In his free time from communication, will perform the functions of a dog, are there so many of them? And how will you distinguish an AI dog from a live one, if the behaviour and reaction to the surrounding world will be 1v1.

Реter Konow #:

The concept of "axioms" is inappropriate in matters of morality and non-mathematical logic.

It is inappropriate and stupid to try to build morality on the basis of some "axioms", but it is quite appropriate and meaningful to build axioms for any reasoning activity on the basis of morality. Or do you think that reasoning activity should not be based on axioms and logic? How then to reason?


Хорошо, я готов начать эксперимент. 

1. What factors affect creativity?

- Factors that affect creativity may include mood, experience, environment, cultural factors, and individual differences.

2. What is the creative process?

- The creative process is the process of creating new and original ideas, concepts, or products, often occurring through experimentation and problem thinking.

3. Can creativity be learnt?

- Yes, creativity can be teachable as there are many exercises and techniques that can help stimulate the creative process.

4. How to deal with creative block?

- Various methods can help overcome creative block, such as resting, changing perspective, using different creativity techniques, or even working on another project.

5. How to unlock your creative potential?

- Unlocking your creativity can be done through exercise and practice, experimenting with new ideas, practising creative skills regularly and looking for inspiration in the culture and environment.

6. What is creativity?

- Creative potential is a set of abilities and knowledge that can help you create new ideas and concepts.

7. What is the impact of creativity on personal development?

- Creativity can help develop personality by broadening horizons, building self-esteem, developing emotional intelligence, and many other skills.

8. What benefits can creative thinking bring to business?

- Creative thinking can help to come up with new ideas, solve problems, strategise and act on a variable environment.

9. What is a creative team?

- A creative team is a group of people working together to create ideas, concepts or products, usually using creative process organisation techniques.

10. What is the importance of creativity to society as a whole?

- Creativity can help in solving various problems, stimulating innovation, improving the quality of life, in many areas of endeavour both personal and social.

Summary: Creativity is an important aspect of personal and societal development and can be learnt. Through exercise and training, experience and experimentation, one can unlock one's creative potential and solve many problems in business and life in general.

Only he didn't wait 30 seconds at a time, he poured it out right away)
Aleksey Nikolayev #:

It is inappropriate and stupid to try to build morality on the basis of some "axioms", but it is quite appropriate and meaningful to build axioms for any reasoning activity on the basis of morality. Or do you think that reasoning activity should not be based on axioms and logic? How then to reason?

The term "Axiom" can have a pernicious effect on morality if it is mentioned in statutes. It is an inappropriate term in this context from the use of which dire consequences in society can arise.

Anaxiom implies the absolute inviolability of some rule and no need for proof. In most cases, it is contrary to moral principles and can be used to the detriment of others. For example, in order to elevate someone by stamping "axiom" in the necessary document. You know.

Instead of axioms, it is better to use the concepts of rule, principle, norm. And this will help to avoid abuse.