AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 2

MrBrooklin #:

It's already been probed. The AI elementary does not know the MQL5 programming language! What else is there to communicate with it on this forum. If this topic is created for people deprived of communication with AI, then pardon me, I made a mistake.

Regards, Vladimir.

The point is that he is the one who doesn't know the MQL5 language yet.

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI talked about the next step of development and implementation in AI. Judging by his words, the ChatGPT large language model will become the basis for creating "superstructure models" specially tuned to work in specialised areas. That includes programming. These niches will be open to new startups and allow them to build businesses by creating new variants of narrow but advanced applications of AI capabilities. Methaquots may well be doing just that.

Реter Konow #:

Thank you!

In this thread we will have to address AI to "probe" its capabilities and weaknesses and build an understanding of its operating principles. It is important to note that in the context of this thread I will have to subject the AI to ruthless intellectual discrimination and there is no other way out. I will ruthlessly attack its logical apparatus in an attempt to overwhelm it. We need to establish weaknesses and limitations to see the problems of its development and future application. Let's understand its technology in general terms and its potential.

I will post ChatGPT videos from English-language YouTube and translate the essence and discuss. As a result, we will achieve maximum clarity in the questions posed.

(at the end I will personally apologise and thank ChatGPT for helping me with my research :)).

Seconded, especially the part of the branch that will reveal hidden AI capabilities.

Lilita Bogachkova #:

You don't have to be so afraid of AI!

It is better to know what it has been taught than to ignore it with the fear of the unknown that some people harbour when faced with new and unknown technologies or changes in society.

It feels like I'm now being answered not by a human but by an AI!

Be healthy!

Regards, Vladimir.

Lilita Bogachkova #:

Seconded, especially the part of the branch that will reveal the hidden capabilities of the AI.

In this part of the thread I will need your help in addressing the AI and translating its answers for the understanding of the Russian-speaking public. I will be very grateful if you agree.


Yandex is also developing its own analogue of ChatGPT.

Yandex is developing its own version of a neural network based on the example of the well-known Chat GPT chatbot, Izvestiareports,citing its own source.

The publication reports that the neural network will soon begin to be trained.And by the end of this year it may be integrated into services.
The company itself confirmed this information, specifying that the project being worked on is called YaLM 2.0

"The new neural network will become part of Search, Alice, Mail and other services. <...>
This means, for example, that Alice will become smarter, will better retain the context of a conversation and will be able to answer more complex questions," Yandex said.

Izvestia's source added that the network will be able to generate texts almost indistinguishable from human-written texts,
create computer codes and independently respond to e-mails in the required style.

So the AI trend is gaining momentum.

Реter Konow #:

The point is that he is the one who doesn't know the MQL5 language.

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, spoke about the next step of development and implementation in AI. Judging by his words, the ChatGPT large language model will become the basis for creating "superstructure models" specially tuned to work in specialised areas. That includes programming. These niches will be open to new startups and allow them to build businesses by creating new variants of narrow but advanced applications of AI capabilities. Methaquots may well be doing just that.

That's where they're headed soon enough. It's already clear. There's a direction to go.

Реter Konow #:

In this part of the thread I will need your help in addressing the AI and translating its responses for the understanding of the Russian-speaking public. I will be very grateful if you agree.

Definitely. Within the limits of possibilities and available time.

Lilita Bogachkova #:

Definitely. Within the limits of ability and time available.

Thank you.

Uladzimir Izerski #:

That's what they'll come to soon enough. It's already clear. There's a direction to go.

Undoubtedly. The only question is how much this narrow "sharpening" of superstructures + basic capabilities of a large model will increase automation of routine work of programmers and what level of complexity of tasks AI will be able to solve independently. Let's start to find out now. In advance.

Roman #:

Yandex is also developing its ChatGPT analogue.

Yandex is developing its own version of a neural network based on the example of the well-known Chat GPT chatbot, Izvestiareports,citing its own source.

The publication reports that the neural network will soon begin to be trained.And by the end of this year it may be integrated into services.
The company itself confirmed this information, specifying that the project being worked on is called YaLM 2.0

"The new neural network will become part of Search, Alice, Mail and other services. <...>
This means, for example, that Alice will become smarter, will better retain the context of a conversation and will be able to answer more complex questions," Yandex said.

Izvestia's source added that the network will be able to generate texts almost indistinguishable from human-written texts,
create computer codes and independently respond to e-mails in the required style.

So the AI trend is gaining momentum.

So what, starting second doesn't mean coming in second. When all players have their ChatGPT, someone will always have ChatGPT 2. Good luck to them.