Trendline Style/Width Issue


If you select a trend line width other than the minimum, you lose the line style and it reverts to a solid line, this is true if you do it on the terminal or via a script/indicator/ea etc. It has been this way on MT4 and MT5 for years, and it would be good if MQ finally sorted it out, any chance?

Paul Anscombe: It has been this way on MT4 and MT5 for years, and it would be good if MQ finally sorted it out, any chance?

Wrong, it has been this way on Windows for decades. It would be good if Microsoft finally sorted it out. Live with it.

William Roeder #:

Wrong, it has been this way on Windows for decades. It would be good if Microsoft finally sorted it out. Live with it.

my statement is not wrong, the behaviour is exactly as I have stated, and be it a microsoft or an MQ derived issue you'd think in 2024 with all that computers can do, a simple line style/thickness problem would be easily solved, or worked around by MQ. The problem does not seem to exist in other applications so clearly it can be done.