Can somoene help me on coding this robot getting this error

//|                                                      MyRobot.mq5|
//|                        Copyright 2024, Your Company             |
//|                             |
input int period = 24;               // Period in hours to calculate high and low
input double riskPercentage = 8.0;   // Risk percentage per trade
input int stopLoss = 100;            // Stop loss in points
input int takeProfit = 150;          // Take profit in points
input int slippage = 30;             // Slippage in points
input bool useDemoAccount = true;    // Flag to enable demo trading
input double leverage = 500.0;       // Account leverage

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
   // Add initialization logic here
   Print("Initialization complete."); // Example initialization message

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
   // Add deinitialization logic here
   Print("Deinitialization complete."); // Example deinitialization message

//| Expert tick function                                            |
void OnTick()
   double highestHigh = iHighest(_Symbol, PERIOD_H1, period, MODE_HIGH, 1, 0);
   double lowestLow = iLowest(_Symbol, PERIOD_H1, period, MODE_LOW, 1, 0);
   double currentPrice = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_BID);
   // Calculate risk per trade
   double accountEquity = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_BALANCE);
   double riskPerTrade = accountEquity * (riskPercentage / 100.0);
   // Calculate lot size based on risk per trade and account leverage
   double lotSize = OrderCalculateLots(riskPerTrade, stopLoss * Point, leverage);
   // Sell if current price reaches highest high
   if(currentPrice >= highestHigh)
      double slPrice = currentPrice + stopLoss * Point;
      double tpPrice = currentPrice + takeProfit * Point;
      int ticket = OrderSend(_Symbol, OP_SELL, lotSize, currentPrice, slippage, slPrice, tpPrice, "MyRobot", 0, 0, Red);
      if(ticket > 0)
         int order =
Nuno Silva:
      int ticket = OrderSend(_Symbol, OP_SELL, lotSize, currentPrice, slippage, slPrice, tpPrice, "MyRobot", 0, 0, Red);

Perhaps you should read the manual. That is the MT4 call.
   How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. (2004)
      How To Interpret Answers.
         RTFM and STFW: How To Tell You've Seriously Screwed Up.