special arrow codes

hello, Slawa!

i bring this topic up again, as it is very important to me:
could the special arrow codes be made available for indicators too? the only need is to be able to use the symbols themselves without any special handling, just like the rest of the (non special) codes.

No. Sorry.
//| Trend.mq4                                     Coded 2007, sx ted |
#property indicator_chart_window

//---- input parameters
extern color ColorArrowDown=Red;
extern color ColorArrowUp=Lime;
extern color ColorText=White;
extern int   TrendMA_Shift=15;

#define C_DN  "ê" // -22 for identifying font "Wingdings" character Arrow Down
#define C_UP  "é" // -23 for identifying font "Wingdings" character Arrow Up
#define iBar    0

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init() {
  CreateLabelObject("TrendArrow", 1, 31, 10);
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit() {
  if(ObjectFind("TrendArrow") >= 0) ObjectDelete("TrendArrow");
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start() {
  color cColor=ColorArrowDown;
  string sChr=C_DN;
  // display indication of current trend with arrow Up or arrow Down
    iMA(NULL,0,13,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,iBar+TrendMA_Shift)>0) {
  DisplayLabelObject("TrendArrow", sChr, cColor);
//| CreateLabelObject                                                |
void CreateLabelObject(string obj, int iCorner, int x, int y) {
  ObjectCreate(obj, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
  ObjectSet(obj, OBJPROP_CORNER   , iCorner);
  ObjectSet(obj, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x      );
  ObjectSet(obj, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y      );
//| DisplayLabelObject                                               |
void DisplayLabelObject(string obj, string sChr, color cColor) {
  int y=10, iFontSize=13;
  string sFont="Verdana";
  if(sChr == "?" ) { y= 9; iFontSize=15; sFont="Verdana"  ; }
  if(sChr == C_DN) { y=14; iFontSize=13; sFont="Wingdings"; }
  if(sChr == C_UP) { y=10; iFontSize=13; sFont="Wingdings"; }
  ObjectSet(obj, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y);
  ObjectSetText(obj, sChr, iFontSize, sFont, cColor);
psybu please use:
#define C_DN "ê" // -22 for identifying font "Wingdings" character Arrow Down
#define C_UP "é" // -23 for identifying font "Wingdings" character Arrow Up
for arrow down: hold Alt key down, type in 0234, then release Alt key
for arrow up : hold Alt key down, type in 0233, then release Alt key
with quotes " on either side.
hi sx ted,

thank you for the effort! :)
actually the symbols you mention are available as standard arrows, but i also worry about the performance of this solution. (a lot of objects would be created)