pls help correct my code

First of all, I believe this code is very handy, many ppl will love it. So please help me improve it.

In fact , this code already works great. But I'm just tired of the simple Alert popup, with NO Symbol shown. So I changed/added some lines to try , which is the %%%%%%%%% part.

I don't know why, print, comment... whatever, nothing happens.
And, weirdly, you can see in the "----alert----" part, I changed UPBREAK alert into something else, but it still shows "UP BREAK". ---- I'm sure everytime I rewrite the code, I compile it, delete it from chart and load it again.

Any idea?

#property indicator_chart_window
#import "usr32.dll"                                                                             // %%%%%%%%%%
   int MessageBoxA(int hWnd,string lpText,string lpCaption,int uType);    //%%%%%%%%%%
#import                                                                                            //%%%%%%%%%%

int PrevAlertTime = 0;

int init()
int deinit()
int start()
   int    i=ObjectsTotal();  
   int    redtotal=0,j,typ1;
   double price1,price2,up,down;
   color  col;
   string name1,name2,nameup,namedown,warn1,sym=Symbol();
   warn1=sym + "Break Up";                                                   //%%%%%%%%%%
   Print(sym);                                                                        //%%%%%%%%%%%

//----make sure exactly 2 red lines on chart---------------------
   for (j=0; j<i; j++)
     if(ObjectGet(ObjectName(j),OBJPROP_COLOR)==255 && ObjectType(ObjectName(j))==OBJ_TREND) 
       {  redtotal++;
          if (redtotal==1) name1=ObjectName(j);
          if (redtotal==2) name2=ObjectName(j); 
   if (redtotal==2)    
     if(ObjectFind("remind")==0) ObjectDelete("remind");        
      ObjectSet("remind", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,0);
      ObjectSet("remind", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,20);
      ObjectSetText("remind", "Keep exactly 2 red lines on chart" ,16,"Times New Roman",Blue); 

      return(0);                        // question here: what should I use, 0 or -1 ?

  //--------decide which line is up / down ---------------------
  if (price2>=price1)
      nameup=name2; namedown=name1;
      up=price2;    down=price1;
      {   nameup=name1; namedown=name2;
          up=price1;    down=price2;

  //-------- alert ----------------------------------------------    
  if (TimeCurrent() - PrevAlertTime > Period()*60/3)
      if (Close[1]<=up && Close[0]>up) 
        { MessageBoxA(NULL,"tupole","11111",0);             // %%%%%%%%%%
          Print(Symbol());                                                // %%%%%%%%%%
          PrevAlertTime = TimeCurrent();
      if (Close[1]>=down && Close[0]<down) 
        { Alert("DOWN BREAK",Symbol());
          PrevAlertTime = TimeCurrent();


I found what's wrong:

Usually, I create or edit a code by: "Metaeditor---file---new/open..."

But I just find out: after attach to chart, and then some changes in this code, finally more changes do not affect the chart anymore (surely I compiled !)----- but "Metaeditor--navigator--files---my code..." do ! That's weird, they should be the same code!