How to avoid calling the constructor of parent class?


Hi, I have the problem that when an object of the child class is created, the constructor of the parent class is called without notice.

class ClassA {
    Print("ClassA Constructor");

class ClassB:public ClassA {


int OnInit()
  ClassB* cb = new ClassB();




Eugen Funk:

Hi, I have the problem that when an object of the child class is created, the constructor of the parent class is called without notice.



Practically not possible. What you can do is this:

class A
    A() = delete;

class B : public A

Or this:

class A

class B : public A

But why???


Try to compile it and see what happens....


nah, because the classB has other tasks than classA ... 
Ok, i changed the structure little bit the stuff works as I need it - but strange. C++ and other languages are different.

Thank you!

Eugen Funk:

Hi, I have the problem that when an object of the child class is created, the constructor of the parent class is called without notice.



What a bad idea !

The constructor of A NEEDS to be called.

Alain Verleyen #:

What a bad idea !

The constructor of A NEEDS to be called.

Of course, and omitting it in A will just create an implicit constructor...

I would say, there is a fundamental design flaw, if you need to do something like that.
Dominik Egert #:
Of course, and omitting it in A will just create an implicit constructor...
And the "delete" version doesn't compile.
Eugen Funk #:

nah, because the classB has other tasks than classA ... 
Ok, i changed the structure little bit the stuff works as I need it - but strange. C++ and other languages are different.

Thank you!

What language allows to create a subclass which doesn't call the parent constructor ?
Alain Verleyen #:
And the "delete" version doesn't compile.
Of course not...
Alain Verleyen #:
What language allows to create a subclass which doesn't call the parent constructor ?

C++, Python, ... You usually need to call it explicitly via super(),

ClassB(int x):ClassA(x){...}
Eugen Funk #:

C++, Python, ... You usually need to call it explicitly via super(),

C++ is similar to MQL in that regards.

Even if C++ allow to somehow to not call the base constructor (as far as I know it's done implicitly if not explicitly), it's really a strange requirement. I can't imagine something else that a bad design.

Eugen Funk #:

C++, Python, ... You usually need to call it explicitly via super(),

as reference, take a look here:

It's C++11