Using MT5 Cloud Network for Optimisation



I need some help. I have a question about the MT5 Cloud network for strategy tester optimisation.

It's the first time I'm trying to use it.

First I have topup my balance in MQL5 account of 10$.

So I started the Optimisation.

Optimisation has a total of 558 combinations/tasks.

After I launched the optimisation, my 20 cores started to be used, plus 64 cores of the network. As you can see in the screenshot attached.

But is there a limit of 64 cores available on the network? 

I mean, as I said, the total number of tasks of the optimisation is 558.

So, if 20 tasks starts on my laptop, why don't the other 538 start on the network?

Why only 64 of them start on the network?

Distributed Computing in the MQL5 Cloud Network
Distributed Computing in the MQL5 Cloud Network
Connect to the MQL5 Cloud Network (Cloud Computing) and earn extra income around the clock — there is much work for you computer!
Agent.png  59 kb


also I have another question.

It has been 1 hour since I have launched the optimisation that I described in my previous post. The optimisation has a total of 558 tasks.

Now, after 1hr, each of my 20 core has completed 3 tasks.

But still, no one optimisation has been completed on th network. How is it possible? What am I doing wrong?

Please, have a look at the screenshot. Out of 64 agents assigned, no one has completed a task.

So, just to recap:

  1. Why only 64 agents have been assigned to my optimisation if i need 538 agents?
  2. Why, while on my laptop each core has completed 3 tasks, on the network, no one tasks has been completed yet?

What am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Agent2.jpg  255 kb