MQL Site Error: Maintenance work... Wait a few minutes, please


Dear Fellows

I am getting below error too frequently for last 3+ weeks.

Error Message

Is the any problem at MQL site?

I think they are just updating website making improvements, its frustrating I know but I guess they know it too.
Eleni Anna Branou #:
I think they are just updating website making improvements, its frustrating I know but I guess they know it too.

Thanks @Eleni Anna Branou.

Good to know that this is general site problem and not the problem on my PC.

Hope they will come up with some good after the improvements.

Anil Varma:

Dear Fellows

I am getting below error too frequently for last 3+ weeks.

Is the any problem at MQL site?

Its same with me and other users from India who reported this, but on other countries is working fine as per comments on this forum post

Also a moderator informed admin, lets hope its get fixed asap.

Just to post this comment, i have to refresh 3 times as site keeps loading with no response. On 4th attempt this comment is being posted so you can guess how bad the site performance is. site performance site performance
  • 2023.12.10
For the past few days the MQL5...