Using Tic Data instead of 1M data for backtesting?

Dear Metaquotes,

Any chance of MT4 at some point in time being able to use Tic data instead of 1M data for backtesting? This means we would of course have to save Tics in addition to all the other time frames, but it would make backtesting a great deal more accurate. Thanks guys, and keep up the good work.

Dear Metaquotes,

Any chance of MT4 at some point in time being able to use Tic data instead of 1M data for backtesting? This means we would of course have to save Tics in addition to all the other time frames, but it would make backtesting a great deal more accurate. Thanks guys, and keep up the good work.


Metaquotes Corp has developed a very advanced platform, better than most of the people think. But they are not a data provider. It is the usual way with financial softwares.
Drop me a mail to forexzapATgmailDOTcom if you would like to know more about this.