Custom Symbols won't support more than 8 digits


Custom Symbols won't support more than 8 digits.

If i customize symbol digits to 9 it automatically switch to 8.

May I know if this is a limitation in MT5 Custom Symbols?

Arpit T:

Custom Symbols won't support more than 8 digits.

If i customize symbol digits to 9 it automatically switch to 8.

May I know if this is a limitation in MT5 Custom Symbols?

Without checking the documentation, I would say it is a limitation.

BTC has 8 digits as well, I cannot think of an asset that would require more precision.

Also, 99.999.999 requires 27 Bits to be stored. This leaves you 29 bits for the number in front of your decimal point (double precision mantissa is 56 bit.)

I would say this is a good compromise. And the "error" introduced by doubles won't be as significant as it would be if you keep adding more digits after the decimal point.

If you add another digit, you would need at least 30 bits for the fraction, leaving you with only 26 bits for the number before the decimal point. 2 pow 26 is about 65 million. That is already quite small, in comparison of course. While 2 pow 29 is about 524 million.

So you can see, it makes a huge difference, just adding one more digit.
Dominik Egert #:
Without checking the documentation, I would say it is a limitation.

BTC has 8 digits as well, I cannot think of an asset that would require more precision.

Also, 99.999.999 requires 27 Bits to be stored. This leaves you 29 bits for the number in front of your decimal point (double precision mantissa is 56 bit.)

I would say this is a good compromise. And the "error" introduced by doubles won't be as significant as it would be if you keep adding more digits after the decimal point.

If you add another digit, you would need at least 30 bits for the fraction, leaving you with only 26 bits for the number before the decimal point. 2 pow 26 is about 65 million. That is already quite small, in comparison of course. While 2 pow 29 is about 524 million.

So you can see, it makes a huge difference, just adding one more digit.

In documentation of Custom Symbol there is nothing mentioned like that but I have attempted to import symbol or changing digits manually from symbol window but nothing worked.