Help, I have a problem with adding symbols


I have a problem with adding symbols, e.g. audusd. I can't use plus or search, what should I do? Demo account.

Topic title edited by moderator, try to always use a meaningful title when you create a topic
Marek Turski: I have a problem with adding symbols, e.g. audusd. I can't use plus or search, what should I do? Demo account.

Please explain your issue in more detail. Show a screenshot.

Also, please read the following — Market Watch - Trading Operations - MetaTrader 5 Help

Market Watch - Trading Operations - MetaTrader 5 Help
The Market Watch window provides an overview of price data of financial instruments: quotes, price statistics and tick chart. It also provides...

I can't add instruments
I want to add forex market but I can't, i.e. USD AUD CHF etc
how to make
How to do it

Automated translation applied by moderator


On the English forum, please write in English. Either use the automatic translation tool, or post in one of the other language forums.

And please, don't create multiple posts with just one line of text. I have merged them.


Are you connected to the trading server?

Did you follow the instructions given in the documentation link I provided?

Please show the output in the Journal log with the trade server connection (read the following ...  How to report technical issues).

Marek Turski #:

I can't add instruments
I want to add forex market but I can't, i.e. USD AUD CHF etc
how to make
How to do it

Automated translation applied by moderator

right click on market watch window and select SHOW ALL