New and code is compiling but not functioning correctly when testing.

// Importing necessary libraries
// These libraries provide access to Position Information and Trading Functions.
#include <Trade\PositionInfo.mqh>
#include <Trade\Trade.mqh>

// Define the size of a trading position
// 'lotSize' represents the volume of an individual trade in the financial market.
input double lotSize = 0.01; // Set to 0.001 by default.

// Variable to store the name of the symbol being traded
// 'symbolName' is used to hold the name of a symbol in trading, like a currency pair or stock.
string symbolName;

// Variables to store order identification numbers
// 'sellTicket' and 'buyTicket' store the ticket numbers of sell and buy orders, initialized to 0.
ulong sellTicket = 0;
ulong buyTicket = 0;

// Enumerated actions for trading
// 'ENUM_TRADE_ACTIONS' defines actions: selling and buying assets.
    TRADE_ACTION_SELL = 0, // Identifier for selling an asset.
    TRADE_ACTION_BUY = 1   // Identifier for buying an asset.

CTrade m_trade; // Instance of the 'CTrade' class to access trading methods and functionalities.

// CloseAllPositions Function
// This function closes all open trading positions for the current symbol on the chart.
void CloseAllPositions() {
    // Loop through open positions to close them
    for (int i = PositionsTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
        CPositionInfo m_position; // Object to hold position information
        // Select a position by its index for analysis
        if (m_position.SelectByIndex(i)) 
            // Check if the selected position matches the symbol of the current chart
            if (m_position.Symbol() == Symbol()) 
                // Close the selected position by its ticket number
// OnTick Function
// This function is executed on each tick of the chart.
void OnTick() 
    // Fetch current Ask and Bid prices
    double currentAsk = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_ASK); // Fetches the current Ask price of the symbol.
    double currentBid = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_BID); // Fetches the current Bid price of the symbol.

    // Define stop loss in points for the US Tech 100
    double stopLossInPoints = 5000.0; // Stop loss in points for the US Tech 100.

    MqlTradeRequest request; // Request object for trade execution.
    MqlTradeResult result; // Result object to store trade execution results.

    // Find the latest upper and lower fractals
    int upperFractal = iFractals(_Symbol, PERIOD_CURRENT); // Finds the latest upper fractal.
    int lowerFractal = iFractals(_Symbol, PERIOD_CURRENT); // Finds the latest lower fractal.

    double stopLossBuy = currentAsk - (5000 * _Point); // Calculate stop loss for a buy order.

    // Check for a sell signal (fractal above)
    if (upperFractal > 0) 
        // Set take profit and stop loss for a sell order
        double takeProfit = 999999; // Set a very high value as "N/A" for Take Profit.
        double stopLossSell = currentBid - (5000 * _Point); // Calculate stop loss for a sell order.

        // Close all open positions
        CloseAllPositions(); // Calls the function to close all open positions.

        // Open a new sell order
        request.action = (ENUM_TRADE_REQUEST_ACTIONS)TRADE_ACTION_SELL; // Defines the action as 'Sell'.
        request.symbol = _Symbol; // Specifies the symbol.
        request.volume = lotSize; // Sets the trading volume.
        request.price = currentBid; // Sets the price of the sell order. = stopLossSell; // Sets the stop loss for the sell order. = takeProfit; // Sets the take profit for the sell order.
        request.comment = "Sell Order"; // Adds a comment for identification.

        if (m_trade.OrderSend(request, result)) 
            sellTicket = result.order; // Save the ticket of the sell order.

    // Check for a buy signal (fractal below)
    if (lowerFractal > 0) 
        // Set take profit and stop loss for a buy order
        double takeProfit = currentAsk + (stopLossInPoints * _Point); // Calculate take profit for a buy order.

        // Close all open positions
        CloseAllPositions(); // Calls the function to close all open positions.

        // Open a new buy order
        request.action = (ENUM_TRADE_REQUEST_ACTIONS)TRADE_ACTION_BUY; // Defines the action as 'Buy'.
        request.symbol = _Symbol; // Specifies the symbol.
        request.volume = lotSize; // Sets the trading volume.
        request.price = currentAsk; // Sets the price of the buy order. = stopLossBuy; // Sets the stop loss for the buy order. = takeProfit; // Sets the take profit for the buy order.
        request.comment = "Buy Order"; // Adds a comment for identification.

        if (m_trade.OrderSend(request, result)) 
            buyTicket = result.order; // Save the ticket of the buy order.

Hi i am new to coding and MQL5 i have successfully build a project with no errors when compiling but when i try to run it in strategy tester it doesn't work as intended.

the way its meant to work is use fractals, when a fractal open below it creates a buy position and then closes all positions and opens a new position when the opposite signal is shown (vice versa).

When i run the script it seems that every mili second i am receiving errors as follows:

2023.12.14 14:39:12.150 2023.12.01 11:02:08   failed prices for US_TECH100 0.001 [Invalid request]

2023.12.14 14:39:12.150 2023.12.01 11:02:08   CTrade::OrderSend: unknown action 0 [invalid request]

2023.12.14 14:39:12.150 2023.12.01 11:02:08   failed market unknown 0.001 US_TECH100 sl: 15918.50 tp: 16018.50 [Invalid request]

2023.12.14 14:39:12.150 2023.12.01 11:02:08   CTrade::OrderSend: market unknown order type 16 0.00 US_TECH100 sl: 15918.50 tp: 16018.50 [invalid request]

Any help greatly appreciated.

Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Codes of Errors and Warnings / Trade Server Return Codes
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Codes of Errors and Warnings / Trade Server Return Codes
Trade Server Return Codes - Codes of Errors and Warnings - Constants, Enumerations and Structures - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5