Delay in message delivery from customers on Freelance Chat


hi developers, 

Am I the only one who delivers messages from customers time to time with delay like 12 to 24 hours?

it is really annoying! and customers thought I do not answer ontime.

is this happening to you time-to-time? for me it is second time in last 3 months!!


How was the observation made ? 

Did one customer tell you or multiple ?

Lorentzos Roussos #:

How was the observation made ? 

Did one customer tell you or multiple ?

I was all day online yesterday. i refresh chats each 10 to 30 minutes and did not delivered messages from 3 different customers over Freelance chant yesterday. but today i had messages with date and hour from yesterday and one of them claimed why I do not answer faster!! I checked time and noticed he is right. he sent my questions answers yesterday but I delivered today!!!

3 customers chat has this problem today and this happened 2-3 months ago too! I did not reported as it was first time.

Mahdi Ebrahimzadeh #:

I was all day online yesterday. i refresh chats each 10 to 30 minutes and did not delivered messages from 3 different customers over Freelance chant yesterday. but today i had messages with date and hour from yesterday and one of them claimed why I do not answer faster!! I checked time and noticed he is right. he sent my questions answers yesterday but I delivered today!!!

3 customers chat has this problem today and this happened 2-3 months ago too! I did not reported as it was first time.

That may be due to a problem with cookies/cache on your browser.

Log out of the website. Clear out all cookies and cache on your browser related to the website, and log back on to the website.


Yeah i have "phantom" messages in chrome too . In the forums as well . A thread will have 4 replies marked on it and there will be 3 in it.

Use Ms Edge prefferrably , and do what Fernando said. 

(firefox recently unveiled a "turbo" mode thing or something , and i've noticed a lot of cache issues in general , chrome is busy fighting ad blockers etc)
Fernando Carreiro #:

That may be due to a problem with cookies/cache on your browser.

Log out of the website. Clear out all cookies and cache on your browser related to the website, and log back on to the website.

thanks your suggestion.

I will do what you suggested but onside that I delivered from other customers over freelance chat without any problem all the day!! this is why it became a big question in my mind.

Even i checked for one of chats as it was so close to catch job by refreshing 2 3 time during yesterday but still nothing to see!! but today, suddenly message from that customer was there!

not sure whats going on

Mahdi Ebrahimzadeh #:

thanks your suggestion.

I will do what you suggested but onside that I delivered from other customers over freelance chat without any problem all the day!! this is why it became a big question in my mind.

Even i checked for one of chats as it was so close to catch job by refreshing 2 3 time during yesterday but still nothing to see!! but today, suddenly message from that customer was there!

not sure whats going on

Were these customers from India?

(ah you cant know)
Lorentzos Roussos #:

Yeah i have "phantom" messages in chrome too . In the forums as well . A thread will have 4 replies marked on it and there will be 3 in it.

Use Ms Edge prefferrably , and do what Fernando said. 

thank you.

i will test cash things

Lorentzos Roussos #:

Were these customers from India?

(ah you cant know)

do not know, will find out from one of them in 2 3 hours as job is going to start. :)

but what is the point?!

Mahdi Ebrahimzadeh #:

do not know, will find out from one of them in 2 3 hours as job is going to start. :)

but what is the point?!

well some users from India have reported general outages , well 2 of them , it's anecdotal but you never know. 

Lorentzos Roussos #:

well some users from India have reported general outages , well 2 of them , it's anecdotal but you never know. 


I don't know. may be ... but 3 customer at same day. and the day of was online all the day.

not sure to report to service desk or not.