Cancelled Purchase Funds Question - page 2

Raymond Piscopo #:

Hi Sergey, 

will compare my two accounts later for funds and respond to that.

In the meantime, I did buy a product. Look closely at capture 1 and read BOTH my previous messages carefully please. I explain what happened. The account was showing funds of 19USD after the purchase and then after logging out and back in, 0.0USD funds. This really happened. See all the images for proof of what I am saying please


You are posting here as Raymond Piscopo so go to your profile here to check: what did you buy and
which is your balance (and check your purchases ).

After that check the other person's profile (in case it is your profile as well): about his balance
and about what he bought -

There are two different men for the system:

  • one is having Community tab login in Metatrader as rp67
  • the other one is having Community login as raypiscopo

Hi Sergey,

I did the investigations as discussed in my last message, and the issue is now resolved. I discovered that what I did was purchase product (the "ICT Template MT4" indicator) from the MQL5 Market, while logged in under my raypiscopo account. At the same time both my notebooks nb1 and nb2 were logged into the MQL5 Market on MT4 with my rp67 account. When I changed the notebooks to be logged into the correct MQL5 Market on MT4 (raypiscopo account) I was able to download and activate the purchased product with the funds in the account. So all is now resolved. I apologize for any offence I may have caused with my frustration. I did not understand accounts were so important with product purchases. I'm sorry. Thanks for your help

@Raymond Piscopo #: I did the investigations as discussed in my last message, and the issue is now resolved. I discovered that what I did was purchase product (the "ICT Template MT4" indicator) from the MQL5 Market, while logged in under my raypiscopo account. At the same time both my notebooks nb1 and nb2 were logged into the MQL5 Market on MT4 with my rp67 account. When I changed the notebooks to be logged into the correct MQL5 Market on MT4 (raypiscopo account) I was able to download and activate the purchased product with the funds in the account. So all is now resolved. I apologize for any offence I may have caused with my frustration. I did not understand accounts were so important with product purchases. I'm sorry. Thanks for your help

@Raymond Piscopo and @raypiscopo

Please be aware that having two community accounts violates the Terms and Conditions.

  • 12.13. The User shall use only one unique MQL5 ID on the website. In case additional/repeated User accounts are detected, all of them shall be closed. MetaQuotes Ltd also reserves the right to invalidate all payment transactions made from additional/repeated accounts.

You should contact the Service Desk and have them merged or have one of the accounts deleted, otherwise you run the risk of having all of them forcefully closed. 

Terms of Use of MQL5 community
Terms of Use of MQL5 community
Terms of Use of MQL5 community website and different traders services.
Fernando Carreiro #:

@Raymond Piscopo and @raypiscopo

Please be aware that having two community accounts violates the Terms and Conditions.

  • 12.13. The User shall use only one unique MQL5 ID on the website. In case additional/repeated User accounts are detected, all of them shall be closed. MetaQuotes Ltd also reserves the right to invalidate all payment transactions made from additional/repeated accounts.

You should contact the Service Desk and have them merged or have one of the accounts deleted, otherwise you run the risk of having all of them forcefully closed. 

Hi Fernando,

thanks for that information. I was not aware that I was violating any rules. I will take your advice immediately and ask service desk to merge my two accounts
