How do you guys setup a Metatrader auto-start when VPS restart?

I understand that this question has been asked a lot and I have gone through all the provided answers nothing is working. All the answers are around placing MT5 shortcuts into the startup folder or updating registry entries which sounds sketchy. Placing shortcuts into the startup folder is a go-to answer this question but everybody knows this starts the terminal only after you log in, which is of kind useless because it only saves you a click. The issue at hand is that Metatrader 5 starts on its own without a user log-in, when VPS restarts, MT5 auto starts without any intervention.
Another answer I got is setting up a Task Scheduler entry with "When the computer starts" as the trigger, I tried that, but nothing happened. Is there a clear current working solution to this issue. Finding out your terminal has been offline the whole day because a VPS has restarted is kind of frustrating. How you guys currently handling this?
search mrs. google for program AutoStart. It is only very tiny program, asks for username and password, and if you have a domain you add it to the login details too. after clicking ok, the vps, or in my case, my laptop and desktop will and do: automaticly login once i have a power outage, so long as I have computer and laptop setup for automatic restart once power outage happens, and also have those shortcuts in the startup folder. This li'l proggy has been round since days of windows 98 with few updates since then but still works very well. Its my pride and joy in amongst my "Post" programs that are always installed after any of my personal reinstalls of winblows, and windoze, and even windows 11 pro.
Revo Trades #:
search mrs. google for program AutoStart. It is only very tiny program, asks for username and password, and if you have a domain you add it to the login details too. after clicking ok, the vps, or in my case, my laptop and desktop will and do: automaticly login once i have a power outage, so long as I have computer and laptop setup for automatic restart once power outage happens, and also have those shortcuts in the startup folder. This li'l proggy has been round since days of windows 98 with few updates since then but still works very well. Its my pride and joy in amongst my "Post" programs that are always installed after any of my personal reinstalls of winblows, and windoze, and even windows 11 pro.

Can you provide a link of that program please?, search results of 'Program AutoStart' is filled with answers I mentioned on the question, just endless of "Put shortcuts on startup folder and you done".


Autologon - Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn

i have used this on all my vps's for years. This proggy allowed me to force all vps's i have to log on with my username and password whenever there was a power outage or "maintenance" was ever done on the vps. I also am currently using it for same purpose on my trading lappy and desktop. It works for all windows versions I ever had, from windows 7 up to now windows 11 pro.

But remember you stil have to add your metatrader shortcuts into the startup folder.
Autologon - Sysinternals
Autologon - Sysinternals
  • 2021.07.27
  • markruss
Bypass password screen during logon.
Michael Reuben Msidada:
I understand that this question has been asked a lot and I have gone through all the provided answers nothing is working. All the answers are around placing MT5 shortcuts into the startup folder or updating registry entries which sounds sketchy. Placing shortcuts into the startup folder is a go-to answer this question but everybody knows this starts the terminal only after you log in, which is of kind useless because it only saves you a click. The issue at hand is that Metatrader 5 starts on its own without a user log-in, when VPS restarts, MT5 auto starts without any intervention.
Another answer I got is setting up a Task Scheduler entry with "When the computer starts" as the trigger, I tried that, but nothing happened. Is there a clear current working solution to this issue. Finding out your terminal has been offline the whole day because a VPS has restarted is kind of frustrating. How you guys currently handling this?

set your VPS Auto-login and put MT5 shortcut to Startups folder

Revo Trades #:

Autologon - Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn

i have used this on all my vps's for years. This proggy allowed me to force all vps's i have to log on with my username and password whenever there was a power outage or "maintenance" was ever done on the vps. I also am currently using it for same purpose on my trading lappy and desktop. It works for all windows versions I ever had, from windows 7 up to now windows 11 pro.

But remember you stil have to add your metatrader shortcuts into the startup folder.

Okay, this seems to work just fine. Thanks, you' all. 
I will monitor and test this tool further but I curious about its security though. Is it just anybody with VPS IP can access the machine when this tool autologin. How it works in terms of security?

Michael Reuben Msidada #:

There is a security notice on the website. But you are correct: After you have bypassed your username and password, a 2nd person only requires your ip address to access your vps. Unless your provider has extra security measure such as limited users to/from your home ip address.

But unless you are in habit of giving out your ip address to every dick and harry, it is not an issue to concern you.
Michael Reuben Msidada #:

Okay, this seems to work just fine. Thanks, you' all. 
I will monitor and test this tool further but I curious about its security though. Is it just anybody with VPS IP can access the machine when this tool autologin. How it works in terms of security?

It is not a program that runs on windows at every startup. Windows already has option to make auto logon and password bypass. This program is used only 1 time to automate this setup process.


Hi you experts

i was looking out for a way to close all metatradors in the weekend and restart them automatically, including doing an upgrade of metatrador to latests version.

Does anyone know how you can in batch close the metatrador for example saturday at 13,00 with winat 

as example what i am looking for 

start /metatrador /stop or close ???

start /metatrador /force update /automatically restart without pushing yes to upgrade


start /metatrador .....

this should keep my latest version of metatrador on my servers