wrong data showing in tesla stock chart while trying to backtest - page 2


ok :p

attached screenshot

ansar9h #: ok :p attached screenshot

Ok then!

  1. From MetaTrader, goto the Menu: File → Open Data Folder.
  2. Then close MetaTrader.
  3. In the open data folder, navigate to ".\Bases\[broker trade server name]\" directory.
  4. In that folder, delete the "history" and "ticks" directories (make a backup first or rename them).
  5. Then navigate back and go to ".Tester\Bases\[broker trade server name]\" directory.
  6. Do the same as step 4.
  7. Now, reopen MetaTrader.
  8. Open the chart again and navigate to August 2022. It may take a while for it to re-download the data.

If after this procedure the data is still the same, then you should contact the broker and resolve the issue.

EDIT: It may be that your broker shifted the decimal position of the pricing at the end of August 2022.

checked with broker, they don't support trading with tesla stock yet