Mt5 Beta build bugs


I will use this forum post to report beta build bugs and I believe this will be helpful

MT5 build 4076

1. Metaeditor Ctrl + F or Search -> Find not working

2. On restart, Toolbars > Standard, Line Studies, Timeframes and Status bar is all unchecked even if you check it and save profile, on restart it removes all your saved settings



There is no such issues with build 4076 specifically.

Real bugs have to be reported in the appropriate thread if you want MetaQuotes to see it. This topic is useless, don't waste people time please.

Alain Verleyen #:

There is no such issues with build 4076 specifically.

Real bugs have to be reported in the appropriate thread if you want MetaQuotes to see it. This topic is useless, don't waste people time please.

Looks like you have a bad day today

but still i am posting you gif so you can prove yourself wrong. Make sure to check things before posting nonsense replies. You are a moderator. Must be responsible. This topic is not useless at all. Its a serious beta build bug

Arpit T #:

Looks like you have a bad day today

but still i am posting you gif so you can prove yourself wrong. Make sure to check things before posting nonsense replies. You are a moderator. Must be responsible. This topic is not useless at all. Its a serious beta build bug

I have a good day thank you.

Because you have an issue, which I didn't deny of course, that doesn't mean it's related to the MT5 build. It's NOT.

I am very responsible, I checked. I don't have such issue with 4076, it's not reproducible (same for the CTRL+F). I hope you will understand that.

This topic is useless because MetaQuotes developers will very unlikely check it. Don't listen to me if you prefer, your choice.

Alain Verleyen #:

I have a good day thank you.

Because you have an issue, which I didn't deny of course, that doesn't mean it's related to the MT5 build. It's NOT.

I am very responsible, I checked. I don't have such issue with 4076, it's not reproducible (same for the CTRL+F). I hope you will understand that.

This topic is useless because MetaQuotes developers will very unlikely check it. Don't listen to me if you prefer, your choice.

I agree it may not be MT5 build issue, but Its not working for me, attached video. I am looking for solution to fix this.

Files:  5472 kb