Is it possible to assign a hot key to the buy and sell button on the current active trade window?

It sure would be helpful if it was possible to assign a hot key on the keyboard to the active trade window one has open, instead of using the mouse. Instead of clicking buy or sell...hit a keyboard hot key.

Is this possible? I sure hope so. If not, please make this a function in your upgrades. Would be immensely helpful to me and others.
Maybe I should further add that I am looking to add this hot key in the MT3 platform. thanks
main menu - Tools - Options - Trade tab - check Symbol by default, Automatic

F9 key opens trade window
Thanks, but that really didnt answer the question. F9 does bring up the trade window, which I appreciate your help. However, I was specifically wondering if one can assign a hot key to buy or sell, not just bring up the trade window....anyone know if this is possible?
JR wanted something faster, ie:

hit "F20" and it will place a BUY
hit "F21" and it will place a SELL

something to that effect. personally, I am looking for it as well. moving the mouse to the appropriate "BUY", "SELL" button and clicking LMB is slower than pressing a single key.