Can't get OBJPROP_ANGLE to return value

Hello all,

Am I doing this correct? I drew a Trendline (test) and I want to return the Angle...

ObjectCreate("test", OBJ_TREND, 0, Time[10], High[10], Time[0], High[0]);
ObjectSet("test", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);        
ObjectSet("test", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
ObjectSet("test", OBJPROP_RAY, 1);
double angle=ObjectGet("test", OBJPROP_ANGLE);

Draws the Trendline, but just returns 0 for the angle.

Any thoughts?

Any help would be appreciated.
ObjectSet("test", OBJPROP_RAY, 1);
double angle=ObjectGet("test", OBJPROP_ANGLE);
ObjectSet("test", OBJPROP_RAY, 1);
double angle=ObjectGet("test", OBJPROP_ANGLE);


I added ObjectsRedraw() to my example, and it still only returns 0.
I'm on build 195.
Any thoughts?

ObjectSet("test", OBJPROP_RAY, 1);
double angle=ObjectGet("test", OBJPROP_ANGLE);


I added ObjectsRedraw() to my example, and it still only returns 0.
I'm on build 195.
Any thoughts?


to see if it is somewhere less then 1

to see if it is somewhere less then 1


The result after trying DoubleToStr(angle,8) is:

This angle is a good 30 degrees... Still 0.

Is this working for you?

See sample script "MQL4: Rotating text"

BTW I don't see in your sample angle set. By default its value is 0
See sample script "MQL4: Rotating text"

BTW I don't see in your sample angle set. By default its value is 0

I'm not setting the angle... just creating 2 points to draw the trendline, THEN I'd like to know what angle it its. If I can't read the angle of the newly created line (except by setting it), can you provide a code example on how to get the angle of the trendline in degrees?

Sorry for my mistake. There is limited version.

See rotate_text.mq4 in your experts\scripts directory
I'm not setting the angle... just creating 2 points to draw the trendline, THEN I'd like to know what angle it its. If I can't read the angle of the newly created line (except by setting it), can you provide a code example on how to get the angle of the trendline in degrees?


The principle is :

angle in radians = MathArcTan((P2-P1) / (T2-T1));
angle in degree = 180 * angle in radians / MathArccos(-1.0);

but there is a prolbem with the unities, according to the timeframe, the zoom, and so. So, I think it should be better if you can work with the tangeante of the angle; the real angle in degree is not meaningfull.
Hope this help.
Slawa and MichelB thank you for your input.

Slawa, maybe this could be put on the "wish list"... drawing a trendline, and having the angle returned. Just a thought.
