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I wonder if anyone experiencing or knowing the issue that I faced.
I just backtest a strategy and resulting in loss, then I start the optimization with a result like image below,
From that result I kind of skeptic with the 0 trade result. After optimization I tried to do a single backtest for combination of 300 stoploss and 4 times take profit (second row from the image with #44), and this is the result of the single backtest,
from a single backtest it shows that using that combination resulting in a loss which of course the EA opening a trade instead 0 trade from optimization. There's no changing in anything other than the combination of SL and TP.
Does anyone knows why this happened?
What should I check on the log? found no error at all.
Currently backtest (after deleting logs and opt file) using non visual and visual mode. The result when I backtest in non-visual mode will result 0 trade while backtest in visual mode resulting in profit.
This one backtest using non-visual mode,
and here's the one with visual mode.
The confusing part is when I backtest with different set of combination that I never test, when I test on visual mode first and non-visual mode at the second time, the result came out the same.
This is the log from a combination that resulting 0 trades.
EM 0 17:27:42.191 Tester single pass started PQ 0 17:27:42.217 Tester USDCAD: history data begins from 2011.01.03 00:00 HK 0 17:27:42.217 Tester USDCAD: history data begins from 2011.01.03 00:00 HJ 0 17:27:42.217 Core 1 connecting to CK 0 17:27:42.218 Core 1 connected DM 0 17:27:42.224 Core 1 authorized (agent build 4040) FG 0 17:27:42.229 Tester USDCAD,M15 (Eightcap-Demo): testing of Experts\Master\EA Master.ex5 from 2022.01.01 00:00 to 2022.12.31 00:00 KF 0 17:27:42.237 Core 1 common synchronization completed HQ 0 17:27:42.261 Tester quality of analyzed history is 99% MD 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 1478 bytes of tester parameters loaded FP 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 23236 bytes of input parameters loaded IJ 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 8943 Mb available, 111 blocks set for ticks generating KP 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 initial deposit 500.00 USD, leverage 1:100 LI 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 successfully initialized CN 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 1907 bytes of total initialization data received QJ 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 AMD Ryzen 3 2200G with Radeon Vega, 16312 MB OO 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 USDCAD: symbol to be synchronized PE 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 USDCAD: symbol synchronized already, 18 bytes received LH 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 USDCAD,M15: history cached from 2021.01.04 00:00 DS 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 USDCAD,M15 (Eightcap-Demo): every tick generating HH 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 USDCAD,M15: testing of Experts\Master\EA Master.ex5 from 2022.01.01 00:00 to 2022.12.31 00:00 started with inputs: KE 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpTradeSymbols=CURRENT GM 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpTradeTimeframe=0 PK 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpBarProcessingMethod=2 FN 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpTradeDirection=0 FS 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpSettingsFile= IF 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpTradeAllowed=true NQ 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 = GQ 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpStdDevDesc=***** Standard Deviation Indicator ***** ER 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpStdDevSmoothingPeriod=12 MO 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpStdDevSmoothingMethod=1 DJ 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpStdDevAppliedPrice=1 MO 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpStdDevMaxTrendLevel=100 GD 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpStdDevMiddleTrendLevel=40 KP 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpStdDevFlatLevel=10 JG 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpTrendLevel=0 CF 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpZeroLagRVIDesc=***** Zero Lag RVI Indicator ***** PE 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpRviSmoothing=15 JK 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpFactor1=0.05 LP 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpRVIPeriod1=8 CG 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpFactor2=0.1 FF 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpRVIPeriod2=21 JQ 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpFactor3=0.16 GI 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpRVIPeriod3=34 HJ 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpFactor4=0.26 EL 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpRVIPeriod4=55 HG 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpFactor5=0.43 CG 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpRVIPeriod5=89 QL 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 ATRIndDesc=***** ATR Indicator ***** RF 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpATRPeriod=14 JS 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 = JP 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 GroupDesc2====== TRADE SETTING ===== NH 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 SectionDesc2=***** Volume or Lot setting ***** RF 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpVolumeMode=0 NK 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpVolume=0.01 PN 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 SectionDesc3=***** TP/SL/Trail Stop setting ***** JK 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpStoplossMethod=1 IN 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpSLCoef=400 IE 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpTakeProfitMethod=2 NK 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpTPCoef=4.0 FO 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpOtherCloseMethod=0 RG 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpOtherCloseCoef=0 PR 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 SectionDesc4=***** other general setting ***** CG 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpSlippage=10 LE 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpMaxSpread=20 HL 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 InpMagicNumber=1 HD 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 2022.01.01 00:00:00 EA will process USDCAD only IO 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 2022.01.01 00:00:00 Handle for Std Dev Indicator / USDCAD / PERIOD_CURRENT successfully created RO 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 2022.01.01 00:00:00 Handle for Zero Lag RVI Indicator / USDCAD / PERIOD_CURRENT successfully created FP 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 2022.01.01 00:00:00 Handle for ATR Indicator / USDCAD / PERIOD_CURRENT successfully created JO 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 2022.01.01 00:00:00 All arrays sized to accomodate 1 symbols FE 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 2022.01.01 00:00:00 EA USING ONLY_PROCESS_TICKS_FROM_NEW_TRADE_TF_BAR PROCESSING METHOD AND INDICATORS WILL USE BAR 1 PK 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 final balance 500.00 USD FP 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 USDCAD,M15: 21501486 ticks, 24851 bars generated. Test passed in 0:00:04.887. ER 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 754 Mb memory used including 3 Mb of history data, 448 Mb of tick data HI 0 17:27:47.126 Core 1 log file "C:\Users\ezral\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Tester\BD3E608861B7C23BB6C3F206D58D0B48\Agent-\logs\20231117.log" written JR 0 17:27:47.136 Core 1 connection closed
There isn't any error message and it just runs like normally would but without opening any trades.
Something new that I notice. When running single test from optimization tab for a profitable trade, it return 0 trade even though on optimization it result in profit.
Thanks @fxsaber for your suggestion, but sadly it's not solving my problem.
I just check my code with print statement and found the problem lies in position ticket. I have a line of code to return if there is already an open position. When I check the position number it's written with ticket #1362, the problem is there is no open trade at all.
Update: I already found the problem. I never initialize OpenPositionTicket variable at OnInit and I don't know why that the EA at some optimization combination fill the variable with number 1362, but everything is correct when I Initialize it. Thanks everyone for your help.

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I wonder if anyone experiencing or knowing the issue that I faced.
I just backtest a strategy and resulting in loss, then I start the optimization with a result like image below,
From that result I kind of skeptic with the 0 trade result. After optimization I tried to do a single backtest for combination of 300 stoploss and 4 times take profit (second row from the image with #44), and this is the result of the single backtest,
from a single backtest it shows that using that combination resulting in a loss which of course the EA opening a trade instead 0 trade from optimization. There's no changing in anything other than the combination of SL and TP.
Does anyone knows why this happened?