How to add new symbol ?

I have bought data (in ASCII format) of some symbols not listed in my MT4. I can use History Center to import data to existing symbols, but how can I add my new symbols ?
Open offline
"Open offline" ?!
How can I browse for my ascii data ? Or may I first conwert it to .hst format (how ?) and save it to appropriate directory ?
Open offline after import.
Slawa, thank you for your effort, but I am not sure that you understand my question.

I can import historic data for all symbols already listed in my MetaTrader.

But how do I add a new symbol (for example new forex pair or futures market) to the left part of "History Center" window ?
HST format was published.
Period_converter script is sample of hst-files creating.

You can modify old csv2hst converter
//|                                             CSV to HST converter |
//|                      Copyright © 2003, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                |
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

#pragma pack(1)
struct RateInfo
    time_t ctm;           // current time in seconds since 01.01.1970
    double open;
    double low;
    double high;
    double close;
    int    vol;
#pragma pack(8)
struct HistoryHeader
    int    version;
    char   copyright[64];
    char   symbol[8];
    int    period;
    int    unused[16];
//| usage 1:  csv2hst SSSSSSSP.csv                                   |
//| usage 2:  csv2hst file.csv SSSSSSSP.hst                          |
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    FILE *in, *out;
    char *cp;
    int   i, period;
    char  inputfilename[256] = "";
    char  outputfilename[256] = "";
    char  symbol[8];
    char  buffer[256];
    char *delimiter = ",";
    tm            tt;
    RateInfo      ri;
    HistoryHeader hdr;

    if (argc < 2) return -1;

    if ((cp = strstr(outputfilename, ".csv")) == NULL) return -2;

    if (argc > 2)
        strcat(outputfilename, ".hst");
    if (stricmp(inputfilename, outputfilename) == 0)   return -3;
    if ((cp = strstr(outputfilename, ".hst")) == NULL) return -4;

    if ((in = fopen(inputfilename, "ri")) == NULL)     return -5;
    if ((out = fopen(outputfilename, "wb")) == NULL)
        return -6;

    // take period and symbol from output file name
    for (i=strlen(outputfilename)-1; i>=0; i--)
        if ((outputfilename[i]<'0' || outputfilename[i]>'9') && period == 0)
            period = atoi(outputfilename+i+1);
        if (outputfilename[i]=='\\' || outputfilename[i]=='/')
    strncpy(symbol, outputfilename+i+1, 7);
    symbol[7] = 0;
    // prepare and write hst header
    memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(HistoryHeader));
    hdr.version = 1;
    hdr.period = period;
    strcpy(hdr.symbol, symbol);
    strcpy(hdr.copyright, "Copyright © 2003, MetaQuotes Software Corp.");
    fwrite(&hdr, sizeof(HistoryHeader), 1, out);
    // prepare and write RateInfo records
    while (fgets(buffer, 255, in) != NULL)
        buffer[255] = 0;
        cp = buffer;
        //---- date DD.MM.YYYY
        tt.tm_mday = atoi(cp);
        if (tt.tm_mday < 1 || tt.tm_mday > 31)        continue;
        if ((cp = strstr(cp, ".")) == NULL)           continue;
        tt.tm_mon = atoi(cp+1) - 1;
        if (tt.tm_mon < 0  || tt.tm_mon > 11)         continue;
        if ((cp = strstr(cp+1, ".")) == NULL)         continue;
        tt.tm_year = atoi(cp+1);
        if (tt.tm_year > 1900) tt.tm_year -= 1900;
        if (tt.tm_year < 50)   tt.tm_year += 100;
        //---- time ,HH:MI
        if ((cp = strstr(buffer, delimiter)) == NULL) continue;
        tt.tm_hour = atoi(cp+1);
        if (tt.tm_hour < 0 || tt.tm_hour > 23)        continue;
        if ((cp = strstr(cp+1, ":")) == NULL)         continue;
        tt.tm_min = atoi(cp+1);
        if (tt.tm_min < 0  || tt.tm_min > 59)         continue;
        if ((ri.ctm = mktime(&tt)) == 0)              continue;
        ri.ctm -= _timezone;
        //---- open,high,low,close,volume
        if ((cp = strstr(cp, delimiter)) == NULL)     continue;
        if (( = atof(cp+1)) <= 0)              continue;
        if ((cp = strstr(cp+1, delimiter)) == NULL)   continue;
        if ((ri.high = atof(cp+1)) <= 0)              continue;
        if ((cp = strstr(cp+1, delimiter)) == NULL)   continue;
        if ((ri.low = atof(cp+1)) <= 0)               continue;
        if ((cp = strstr(cp+1, delimiter)) == NULL)   continue;
        if ((ri.close = atof(cp+1)) <= 0)             continue;
        if ((cp = strstr(cp+1, delimiter)) == NULL)   continue;
        if ((ri.vol = atoi(cp+1)) < 0)                continue;
        //----- check prices
        if (ri.low >  || ri.low > ri.close  || ri.low > ri.high) continue;
        if (ri.high < || ri.high < ri.close || ri.high < ri.low) continue;
        if (gmtime(&ri.ctm) == NULL)                  continue;
    printf("%d records written\n", i);
    return 0;
Hi Slawa,
I have no C background (C# & VB.NET), but would like to use your awesome trading platform to analyse and backtest other markets than the FX, so I would need to add new symbols and prepare hst files FROM ASCII data.
Would you please clarify on those two questions:
1. Should "Copyright © 2003, MetaQuotes Software Corp." be the only text in the header immediately followed by the data? No Sumbol & time period(eg. AUDUSD1440).
2. Are you writing the whole data block (datetime,0:00,open,high,low,close,volume) without any other separators (besides the COMMA)?
I tried to compile the code but hit an error on line "tm tt;" : variable 'tt' not found.
Can you please help me decypher the C code above?
Thanks in advanve for your help!

the simplest way for you i think (also the quickest/dirtiest), is going to Tools/History center

then just pick one pair/period that you are not going to use.
press import, BROWSE, choose "ascii" file type and pick your file.

as for the format, you can just pick a pair with existing data and use the export button (.csv)
watch it with notepad and you will know the format


How can I add new symbols in mt5?

By Default it’s only showing 4/4 in market watch


How can I add new symbols in mt5?

By Default it’s only showing 4/4 in market watch

There are no any symbols by default.
Because MT5 is the software, and the brokers are using it to propose the symbols to trade.
There are a lot of the brokers, and they all are proposing the different symbols to trade.


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