MetaQuotes Software Corp. Starts the Automated Trading Championship 2006

MetaQuotes Software Corp. starts the unique Automated Trading Championship 2006 ("MQL4: automated forex trading") sponsored by Spacevision Switzerland SA (, FXDirectDealer LLC. ( and Interbank FX LLC. ( Unlike numerous traders contests, this championship is intended not for traders, but for Expert Advisors writen by them.

Within 12 weeks (from the 1st of October till the 25th of December), Expert Advisors will compete for the prizes. The total amount of prizes makes US$ 80,000. Registration starts on August 1st until September 25th. Everyone is allowed to send his or her Expert Advisor and participate in the Automated Trading Championship 2006.
I would like to partcipate and I am already entered into the live Interbank competition. But there is no way I'm handing over my Ea to anybody.

I hope that wasn't what you meant by "send".

Hopefully I'll be entered automatcially by interbank...

Unfortunatelly, no. You will have to send us your Expert - its the only way, to make all participants compete in equal conditions and control the fact that the trading operations was made by expert, but not by trader, not manually. For this we even ordered a special Blade-Server.

You will have to send us EX4-file (compiled, not source code) and we are giving our garanties, that:
1. there will be only one copy of your expert.
2. only 4 man of our company will have access to it. And nobody else.
3. we will not use (or copy) your expert. It will be used only in Championship.
4. we will not give it to anybody.
5. after the end of Championship (25th of December) all experts will be deleted, undoubtedly.

Unfortunately, participation in Interbank FX`s contest doesnt mean that you are a participant of Automated Trading Championship 2006. You will have to register as a participant on the Championship`s site ("MQL4: automated forex trading" Launching date - 1st of August) once again.
its the only way, to make all participants compete in equal conditions and control the fact that the trading operations was made by expert, but not by trader, not manually

What are you saying ??? it's enought to use a defined MagicNumber ! MagicNumber isn't accessible via manual trading. I think it should be a far better solution. Sorry, but who wants to send you his expert ?

What are you saying ??? it's enought to use a defined MagicNumber ! MagicNumber isn't accessible via manual trading. I think it should be a far better solution. Sorry, but who wants to send you his expert ?

There is an opportunity to make a Script, which will make trading operations and put any desired MagicNumber. Also, we wont be able to control, that someone of participants changed his expert to another one.

Thirdly, we wont be able to garantee, that all the partipants got equal conditions. For example, lets take a time. If experts are working from traders comps, there is no fair play. Because of you runned EA for whole 12 weeks, and another partipant only for 8 weeks (no matter why). You made 10 operations, and he was able to make only 6.

We want to find out the best Experts and the best Developers of Experts. That why conditions must be the same for every participant.
I understand what are you worrying about. But are you really think that we want, that we have a time and an interest of decompile your experts? We are profesionals, just like you. But in different areas. You are developing Experts, we are giving you the means for this.

The only interest for us in Automated Trading Championship 2006 is to rise the popularity of automated trading and MQL4. Participants' interest is to additionally earn good money. I understand that it may be looks risky from your side.

But why should we and three famous brokerage companies (im speaking about Sponsors) risk our reputations, trying to decompile your experts? Our reputation is the best garantee that we are speaking seriously. Maybe you wont believe, but only our reputation costs much more than 80 grands. Plus reputation of famous brokers and we already got dozens of millions invested in reputation. You really think that four famous companies ready to risk with dozens of millions just for someones' Experts?

Guys, look seriously to the Automated Trading Championship 2006. Its not a contest.

At the first of August we will publish the rules and the garantees for the participants on the Site of Championship ("MQL4: automated forex trading")

I have spent 100's and 100's of hours writting, backtesting then live demo testing experts to find something that works. All I was after is an expert to have a ROC of 100% per year .

ANYONE who can produce a return of 100% consistantly each year will be extremely wealthy in a very short time.
We have all seen the figures from these returns starting with just 10k and using compound but I thought I would just post it anyway:

1 $10,000 x 100% = $20,000
2 $20,000 x 100% = $40,000
3 $40,000 x 100% = $80,000
4 $80,000 x 100% = $160,000
5 $160,000 x 100% = $320,000
6 $320,000 x 100% = $640,000
7 $640,000 x 100% = $1,280,000
8 $1,280,000 x 100% = $2,560,000
9 $2,560,000 x 100% = $5,120,000
10 $5,120,000 x 100% = $10,240,000

I do believe you have only the best intentions but the above table is a perfect example of why anyone with a working expert will not show it to anyone, I wont even show it to my wife :)

I am sorry but there is absolutely no way I will ever reveal my source code.

If you need someone to say that auto trading can and does work, then put me down with a Capital YES....

As always I love your platform and keep up the good work at MT........

Tell you what, why don’t you send me the source code for MT4 and I’ll hold it as security, seeing that we are "...professionals, just like you. But in different areas...” Not like I have any interest in running a platform. Not my thing. The overheads are too big. Only I'll have access to it, so it’s safe. I have a reputation to protect myself.

An “EA” that has a track record is just as list-able as a search engine or any other form of web based income. We’re not talking about a few thousand dollars here. It’s billions and billions…LTC style. It’s been done before. Professors Black and Scholes listed a formula and programmed computers to trade it. For a while they were among the richest men on the planet.

What you’re proposing is roughly the same as holding a search engine competition and asking Google to hand over their code to a third party.

Your intentions might be the best, but that’s a hell of a lot of temptation. To have a copy out of the authors direct control would be reckless to say the least, never mind the fact that you also have the track record, trade by trade.

My stakeholders’ll lynch me if I even thought of sending you a copy of our EA. It’s bad business. Period.

I’m sure you can come up with a better plan. Heck, I can. Let me know if you need help.

It doesn’t matter how good your intentions are, the risks are just too high to participate under your terms.

And it’s not like guys with solid working EA’s are going to enter for the money either.

As far as your goal is concerned: "rise the popularity of automated trading and MQL4".

In that you'll succeed with the normal rules. If that's the only goal, why the strict rules? The competitions as they are, are fine for that. Who cares if somebody sneaks a manual trade or changes an Ea mid-competition, as long as he's trading automated most of the time...Good on them if they can spot a problem and cure it before it causes losses.

Why not rather get the brokers to have their quarterly winners compete for grand prizes or something...? The grand championship is enough to cause a stir all by itself….

We already gave you MT4. Looks like i was too fast when said that you are a pro. Try to decompile terminal.exe, and you will get answer is it possible to decompile EX4 file - both of them are executables.

Or you sending us your expert in EX4 format and can win. Or you dont. It wont be changed, Zogg. Its a final word.
I am sorry but there is absolutely no way I will ever reveal my source code.

Nobody says about source code. How much time we have to repeat else? You are sending us only EX4 files.
Found on some forum:

Try again, please:
12 January 2006

New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 188 has been released.

What’s new:
20. MQL4: Introduced the new encoding of EX4 files, they are much more difficult to decode now.

Nobody in MetaQuotes will decompile your experts.
Win a championship instead of anxiety about your EX4 code.

Found on some forum :

Have you looked at this code? It dosen't use MOST of the values set... call me "imaginative", but I bet this company "let" this one out of the bag... maybe as a test to see how often it pops-up in forums? Not sure if this could be considered code reversed from an .exe.

Just MHO.

Clearly the experts can be decoded...nice one Lenar…

of course. Client terminal decodes experts.

- I've programmed very effective archiver. It archives 50 megabytes to 1 byte!
- Very nice! What about unarchiver?
- Unarchiver is not ready yet. I don't know how decode back archived byte to 50 megabytes.