Not possible to register with my emailadress after past login with Goggle

In the past I logged in with Google without having an account. Now I wanted to register, but I got the message, that my emailadress is in use and I can not use it. I have deleted the connection from Google to Metaquotes, but problem still exists. I don´t know, what to do, can anybody help me ??
In the past I logged in with Google without having an account. Now I wanted to register, but I got the message, that my emailadress is in use and I can not use it. I have deleted the connection from Google to Metaquotes, but problem still exists. I don´t know, what to do, can anybody help me ??

Your MQL5 account login is miboxyzde and NOT your email, gmail or any other.

Login with this miboxyzde login in your MQL5 account in this website or in MT4/5 >> Tools >> Options >> Community and DO NOT try to register a new MQL5 account, because you have already registered a MQL5 account.

If you don't remember your MQL5 account password, you can reset it here:

Not so easy! I have tried to change my emailkadress in my existing account, also not possible! System says, my emailadress is still in use, but it isn´t! Its just a relict from my past log in with damned Google.
miboxyzde #: Not so easy! I have tried to change my emailkadress in my existing account, also not possible! System says, my emailadress is still in use, but it isn´t! Its just a relict from my past log in with damned Google.

Already answered on your post in the German section ...

Forum über Handel, automatische Handelssysteme und Strategietests

Emailadresse nicht änderbar, da zuvor mit Google eingeloggt

Fernando Carreiro, 2023.11.01 21:54

Wir können Ihnen im Forum nicht weiterhelfen. Nur der Service Desk kann etwas dagegen unternehmen. Versuchen Sie erneut, sie zu kontaktieren. Sei geduldig. Sie können nur während der Bürozeiten daran arbeiten und werden Finanzfragen Vorrang einräumen.

We are unable to help you in the forum. Only the Service Desk will be able to do something about it. Try contacting them again. Be patient. They will only be able to work on it during office hours and they will give priority to financial issues.

miboxyzde #:
Not so easy! I have tried to change my emailkadress in my existing account, also not possible! System says, my emailadress is still in use, but it isn´t! Its just a relict from my past log in with damned Google.

What do you mean existing account?

Do you have more than 1 MQL5 accounts?

That is against the rules, find your initial MQL5 account login, it's the end of your url address in your profile page (for example: and try to login into your MQL5 account with it.

Then contact the Service Desk to delete your 2nd/newer MQL5 account.