Removing background color



I created a custom CCI.  It works as intended.  Except; the level numbers are displayed in the background color of the accompanying line.

How can I get rid off the background color.  I tried setting the BGCOLOR to white but that doesn't do a thing.

Included are the image and a portion of the code I wrote to draw the upper level (80).   Any guidance would be welcomed.


   if (PositiveLevel > 0) {  // defined by user
      // Check if the object already exists (to avoid duplicating it)
      if (ObjectCreate("BuyZone", OBJ_HLINE, subWindow, 0, 0) == 0)   //subwindow defined earlier
        // If the object already exists, delete it first

      // Set the properties of the Positive line
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "BuyZone", OBJPROP_RAY_RIGHT, true);          // Extend the line to the right
      ObjectSetDouble (0, "BuyZone", OBJPROP_PRICE1, PositiveLevel);  // Price level where the line will be drawn

      // Attach the Positive line to the specified subwindow
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "BuyZone", OBJPROP_SELECTABLE, false);       // Make it not selectable
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "BuyZone", OBJPROP_SELECTED, false);          // Deselect the objectj
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "BuyZone", OBJPROP_COLOR, openOrder);      // Line color (you can change this)      
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "BuyZone", OBJPROP_STYLE, CCI_Style);         // Line style (you can change this)
      ObjectSetInteger(0, "BuyZone", OBJPROP_WIDTH, CCI_Width);      // Line width (you can change this)      

Thank you.