MetaTrader 5 Platform update build 4000: Trading Report and Web Terminal improvements - page 2

When I go to View>Reports, I only get a blank screen (attached)-can you please tell me how to fix this so I can see the reports?
@nathc #: When I go to View>Reports, I only get a blank screen (attached)-can you please tell me how to fix this so I can see the reports?

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Blank screen when try to view new trading reports

Fernando Carreiro, 2023.10.06 19:53

The first time you run the new report system, you have to wait a very long time, because it is installing multiple WebView components in the "temp\EBWebView" directory.

So, leave it open on the Reports page until it finally appears. After that, in the future it will appear much more quickly.

Hi can you kindly help me on how to get my profit how to withdraw or take the money    

Thank you 
Nyasha Mahlamvana #:
Hi can you kindly help me on how to get my profit how to withdraw or take the money    

Thank you 

You need to contact your broker about that. is not a broker, nor has anything to do with your trading account money.