Data via DDE; DDE application & Metastock - page 2

Woawh ! Happy it works !

"Strictly, we should get Last instead of Bid, but again I couldn't find any way to get Last."
That's the same, look at the MQ4 Help : "Quotes are given through DDE only at incoming of new ticks (ADVISE mode), but not immediately on request (REQUEST mode) where the latest price is shown. N/A is shown on the first REQUEST, and after the new price has been income, quotes will appear."

"I'm a bit dizzy at the flashing chart! X) Have to lower its refreshing rate :)"
You can set set the refresh rate in the Options menu of DDEUC (but I think it's useless for tick charts)

"Do you know how to download the tick data of different currency pairs later after I log-on?
It seems to me I need to be always on in order to get all tick data.
Any clue?"
Sorry, but I don't understand your question...

Volumes in MT are a little special : they are the number of received ticks during the bar time, so it depends strongly of the filters your broker is using ! I dont know any way to retrieve them for MS.
That's the same, look at the MQ4 Help : "Quotes are given through DDE only at incoming of new ticks (ADVISE mode), but not immediately on request (REQUEST mode) where the latest price is shown. N/A is shown on the first REQUEST, and after the new price has been income, quotes will appear."

Then what is ASK price?

"Do you know how to download the tick data of different currency pairs later after I log-on?
It seems to me I need to be always on in order to get all tick data.
Any clue?"
Sorry, but I don't understand your question...

You know, I think we need to open the DDEChartUpdater + MetaTrader to receive tick data.
When the computer switches off, the retrieval should be off.

Is it possible to download back the missed tick data while my computer is off?
If so, how?

Thanks for your help! :P
Ask = Bid + Spread !:)

Of course, if your pc is off you cannot get anything, and no, I don't know any way to download historical tick datas, so the missed ones are really missed... Who could store them ? Let your pc on !
From Alpari you can download M1 datas...
Ciao !
If I set DDEChartUpdater to store it as 1-min intraday data, wll the graph update when every tick comes, or will the graph only update after 60 ticks are collected?

EDIT: I tried. It is updated when a new tick is available.
I would like to confirm if it's just my problem.

When I set DDEChartUpdater to refresh my chart per 1-8 secs, my Metastock will usually crash after a while.

Is it the same in your side, or is it just my problem?

Thank you!
I would like to confirm if it's just my problem.

When I set DDEChartUpdater to refresh my chart per 1-8 secs, my Metastock will usually crash after a while.

Is it the same in your side, or is it just my problem?

Thank you!

It seems this is just your problem. I don't have crash in such situations, and I don't see any reasons to crash : the data files are just updated every 1-8 secs instead of every tick. What would be the prob ?
Hmm... I still don't know. {shrug}
Maybe my Metastock cannot handle such tremendous workloads.


I failed to update my chart! No update was made.
Here's what I did:

1) Open Metastock Offline -> Select Tools | The Downloader
2) In Downloader, Select File | New | Security
3) In the dialog,
Name / Symbol: EURUSD
Periodicity: intraday
Unit: Decimal
Star time: (follow the default) 12:00AM
End time: (follow the default) 12:00AM
- Then press "create"
4) Open EURUSD file

5) Open MetaTrader
6) DDE Enable checkBox is checked
7) Open the chart of EURUSD

8) Open DDEChartUpdater. Select "Symbol | Add"
9) The setting is:
Symbol: EURUSD

C:\MetaStock Data\Forex

DDE Server: MT4
Close =MT4|!BID!EURUSD (I couldn't find a way to get the Close data.)
{No checkbox is enabled}

The Metastock file created is still empty.
The chart is not updated automatically.
But I can see the close value flashing in DDEChartUpdater.

WmWaster :

First of all, thanks so much for your kind help!

Here's my answer to your question:
- Both (MS9 & DDEChartUpdater) are set at: C:\MetaStock Data\Forex
- Yes, both are set at 12:00am
- Yes, all checboxed are checked by default.
- Hey, should I choose Metastock Pro Offline Mode, or just Metastock Pro [real-time mode]? Anyway I chose just Metastock Pro -> loading -> Clicked "work offline"
- I closed all applications. Open MS9 Pro [real-time mode]! Open MT4! Open DDEChartUpdater!
- The error message I received from DDEChartUpdater is "Invalid Time: The time must have the following format: HH:MM:SS..."

The chart is still empty :(


I have the same problem!!!!,I am  there :


I closed all applications. Open MS9 Pro [real-time mode]! Open MT4! Open DDEChartUpdater!
- The error message I received from DDEChartUpdater is "Invalid Time: The time must have the following format: HH:MM:SS..."


But I have MS10!!


HELP ME!!!!!!!!!