Demo server working?


Is anyone else having problems with the demo server today? I've been trying to register an account all afternoon (my old accounts were failing so I thought the problem was the accounts) but the server list only shows one server, "MetaQuotes-Demo," and it has a disabled icon with a Ping value of "n/a."

The list used to show demo servers from Interbank, but they're gone.

I'm having no other connection problems so it seems that it would be a problem connecting specifically to the demo server.

Still not getting the demo server. Am I the only one? ;)
Still not getting the demo server. Am I the only one? ;)

I am unable to access it as well. Is there a time limit on the account?
Our demo-server "MetaQuotes-Demo" works wihout any problem.
When I start MetaTrader it asks me to login. I dont change any of the login details (ie they are the ones that were working) and it says 'Invalid account' in the status message at the bottom right of the screen.
After re-installing metatrader I relised that the only server I was able to connect to was the InterBankFX-Demo one. After some frustrating investigation it was discovered that in C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\config the "MetaQuotes-Demo.srv" file was missing. I simpy copied the file from someone who had a version of MetaTrader connected to the MetaQuotes-Demo server. Now apon registering a new account I have a choice of two servers to connect too.
Any chance I could get a copy of that file and where it is supposed to reside? I could setup a tempory hotmail account to recieve it.
Sure, just post up your tempory email adress and I'll send it there.
Please check server name you are entering. Our server is "".
FYI, I was able to resolve the problem. The MT4 version I had was released in Dec 2005. When I downloaded the most recent version I was again able to see the Interbank demo server in the list and created a new account (at that point MetaQuotes-Demo was not listed).