Discussing the article: "How to create a simple Multi-Currency Expert Advisor using MQL5 (Part 1): Indicator Signals based on ADX in combination with Parabolic SAR" - page 3

Can seem to find the include files in the downloaded zip.  It only contain ADXPSAR_MCEA.mq5.  Can you point me to the location for the mqh ?
Say Tan #:
Can seem to find the include files in the downloaded zip.  It only contain ADXPSAR_MCEA.mq5.  Can you point me to the location for the mqh ?

This expert uses the built-in header file (mqh) from MQL5. In the folder: MQL5>Include

Hello Roberto,
This is the first of your articles I read and I have the following curiosity in:
    bool gadxrise=(ADXDIp[2]<=ADXDIm[2] && ADXDIp[1]>ADXDIm[1]+difDi && ADXDIp[0]>ADXDIp[1] && GiADXc==rise);
    bool gadxdown=(ADXDIp[2]>=ADXDIm[2] && ADXDIp[1]<ADXDIm[1]-difDi && ADXDIp[0]<ADXDIp[1] && GiADXc==down);

about the 0.34 value: what does it mean, what is its purpose, what does it intend to compensate, how did you arrive at it?

Thanks in advance,

Juan Luis

Juan Luis De Frutos Blanco #:
about the 0.34 value: what does it mean, what is its purpose, what does it intend to compensate, how did you arrive at it?

There must be a difference between PLUSDI_LINE and MINUSDI_LINE to get the value that there is a significant movement between PLUSDI_LINE and MINUSDI_LINE.
The value is 0.34 based only on observations and estimates.
If you want to replace it, it's up to you.

Roberto Jacobs #:

There must be a difference between PLUSDI_LINE and MINUSDI_LINE to get the value that there is a significant movement between PLUSDI_LINE and MINUSDI_LINE.
The value is 0.34 based only on observations and estimates.
If you want to replace it, it's up to you.

Thanks. 👍