How to get the 1-hour's MA in 5-minutes Chart?

In function iMA, double iMA( string symbol, int timeframe, int period, int ma_shift, int ma_method, int applied_price, int shift) , I can set the timeframe=Period_h1, but how to set the "shift"?

while in 5-minutes Chart, the newest bar=0 , and the iMA is correct. But how to get while 1-Hour's iMA when bar=100(in 5-minutes chart).

Use iBarShift function
Use iBarShift function


But the function is hidden so deeply, I cant find it in any category within Dictionary yet.
Dictionary - Technical indicators - between iBars() and iClose()
Dictionary - Technical indicators - between iBars() and iClose()

Yes, thanks Slawa.

They are not sorted by function name:-)
You might want to check out the multi-timeframe indicators (MTF) I put together. They're just hackjobs, but they work pretty well. You can use them as a template to make most other indicators MTF capable. For me, the way I did it was much simpler than trying to get iBarShift to work. Hope they work for you.

Thanks Keris2112 .

They are wonderful indicators. They are very useful to me.