Can a corporate account be opened and documented?

Can a corporate account be opened and documented?
What is the difference between a personal account and a corporate account

Do you mean corporate trading account or corporate MQL5 account?

A company MQL5 account can be opened alright. Usually you register as a private seller and then you contact the Service Desk to register your company details.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

هل تقصد حساب تداول الشركات أو حساب MQL5 للشركات؟

يمكن فتح حساب شركة MQL5 على ما يرام. عادةً ما تقوم بالتسجيل كبائع خاص ثم تقوم بالاتصال بمكتب الخدمة لتسجيل تفاصيل شركتك.

Can you explain the steps to open a corporate account on  MQL5 

Hussein Al Fallooji #:

Can you explain the steps to open a corporate account on  MQL5 

Usually you register as a private seller and then you contact the Service Desk to register your company details.
Hussein Al Fallooji #:

Can you explain the steps to open a corporate account on  MQL5 

You are already registered as a seller so you might have this choice now on the seller tab