Updated MetaTrader 4 build 190 dated Feb 13

Don't look now but there's a Feb 13th version of build 190.

So we've got at least 6th, 10th and 13th.

Is it possible MetaQuotes that you can fix your Auto Update mechanism to allow updating a different date version of the same build --OR-- simply increment the build number when you publish a new build/date ?

Thanks for understanding why people like to use AutoUpdate for their broker platform.
There was incorrect return code from ObjectCreate function.
Only one correction.
Thanks Slawa

However AutoUpdate DOESN'T work unless you increment the build number. So your bug fixes aren't deployed which isn't something I think you want to see happen.
I am with you Martin, I like the auto updates and niether my live account or demo acc have updated
since build 190 ( 6th feb ).

Autoupdate works in case of increasing build number only. We do not increase build number specially to avoid autoupdate. Before we should make sure that new version is stable.