Changing chart time frame

Change chart time frame from H1 to H4.
Get message "Waiting for Update".
Init() says it has been called (via a flag that has been set ON) but does not initialise the arrays.
Change chart time frame from H4 to H1 then bacck again to H4 and the arrays are initialised and program behaves correctly.
Thanking you for explaining. Take care.
Why You tell nothing about build version?
Build 190 dated 6 Feb.
What the explain do You wait?
"Waiting for update" means data absence and arrays are not initialized because data absence.
For MT4 to display "Waiting for update" calms the user, better still for MT4 once the data has been updated to carry out any process required coded in the init() function instead of the user to have to kick out and in by changing chart time frame from H4 to H1 and back to H4 to force a refresh?
In the most cases initialization runs after first data package income. We've fixed early redundant initialization esterday. Please wait for updated build (I hope it will be tonight) and check your problem again
Thanks Slawa, take care.
Downloaded Build 190 dated 10 Feb and program behaving correctly, will test further when markets open. Thank you all, very much appreciated, take care.
good stuff.