Alert to Email

This is weird

I can get the email working to My own PC, thats the TO and FROM having the same email address.

I can also get the email working going from my PC email home address to my YAHOO account, thats FROM (home) to TO (Yahoo)

BUT I CANT get the email address going from my PC email home address to my PAGER email address, thats FROM (home) TO (Pager).

Also when I send an email from my Microsoft outlook to my PAGER it works fine, its justwhen MT4 send the email it says a "test message has been sent", but it does not seam to hit my pager !!!!

Also I send at email from my YAHOO to my PAGER and that didnt work either, my PAGER ONLY got an email from MS Outlook...&^*)&KJGK !!!

Any Indeas OO BE ONE

This is the error message I get from my telecom/ISP... as to why it was not delivered to my pager.

>>> 451 Queuing error: null

Any Ideas



The original message was received at Wed, 25 Jan 2006 20:29:22 +1300 (NZDT) from [210.XX.15.58]

----- Transcript of session follows ----- ... while talking to [166.XXX.8.77]:
>>> DATA
<<< 451 Queuing error: null
<>... Deferred: 451 Queuing error: null
Warning: message still undelivered after 4 hours Will keep trying until message is 5 days old
So ask your Paging Service Provider for correct syntax to use with their software. Given it faults with Yahoo as well as MT4, sounds like you need some special formatting/syntax for the email address or something similar.

Given them the fields available in MT4 as well as ask them on Yahoo - the latter I'm sure they'd get heaps of questions on if it doesn't work.

i spoke to my Paging Service Provider, witch is a telecom, and they said so long as sending ISP is registered in my country it should work fine.

Since this is SMTP it just using my PC, so that should be an issue, is this correct...
I am very sure that my paging servivce is not at fault.

If I can send an email from myMS outlook from my PC to my Pager, that works fine.

But to send an email from my PC via MT4/SMTP to Pager and that fails, its got to be MT4, Cause if MS Outlook can do it, why cant MT4 ????

Please fix this !