webrequest test script


Hi guy i try to test example script in manual for understund how  work webrequest  the first  script for download  page of  gogoel finance  work  right , but the second script give me error autentication logn and password  but i ma ssure pass and login is correct

i add domain in option of metatrader 4 , i insert a foto  in file folder inside root mt4 , but nothing

#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
#property script_show_inputs
#property description "Sample script posting a user message "
#property description "on the wall on mql5.com"
input string InpLogin   ="";             //Your MQL5.com account
input string InpPassword="";             //Your account password
input string InpFileName="EURUSDM5.png"; //An image in folder MQL5/Files/
input string InpFileType="image/png";    //Correct mime type of the image
//| Posting a message with an image on the wall at mql5.com          |
bool PostToNewsFeed(string login,string password,string text,string filename,string filetype)
   int    res;     // To receive the operation execution result
   char   data[];  // Data array to send POST requests
   char   file[];  // Read the image here
   string str="Login="+login+"&Password="+password;
   string auth,sep="-------Jyecslin9mp8RdKV"; // multipart data separator
//--- A file is available, try to read it
   if(filename!=NULL && filename!="")
         Print("Error opening the file \""+filename+"\"");
      //--- Read file data
         Print("Error reading the file \""+filename+"\"");
//--- Create the body of the POST request for authorization
//--- Resetting error code
//--- Authorization request
//--- If authorization failed
      Print("Authorization error #"+(string)res+", LastError="+(string)GetLastError());
//--- Read the authorization cookie from the server response header
   res=StringFind(str,"Set-Cookie: auth=");
//--- If cookie not found, return an error
      Print("Error, authorization data not found in the server response (check login/password)");
//--- Remember the authorization data and form the header for further requests
   auth="Cookie: "+StringSubstr(auth,0,StringFind(auth,";")+1)+"\r\n";
//--- If there is a data file, send it to the server
      //--- Form the request body
      str+="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"attachedFile_imagesLoader\"; filename=\""+filename+"\"\r\n";
      str+="Content-Type: "+filetype+"\r\n\r\n";
      res =StringToCharArray(str,data);
      //--- Form the request header
      str=auth+"Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="+sep+"\r\n";
      //--- Reset error code
      //--- Request to send an image file to the server
      //--- check the request result
         Print("Error sending a file to the server #"+(string)res+", LastError="+(string)GetLastError());
      //--- Receive a link to the image uploaded to the server
         res     =StringFind(str,"\"",8);
         //--- If file uploading fails, an empty link will be returned
            Print("File sending to server failed");
//--- Create the body of a request to post an image on the server
   str ="--"+sep+"\r\n";
   str+="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"content\"\r\n\r\n";
//--- The languages in which the post will be available on mql5.com 
   str+="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"AllLanguages\"\r\n\r\n";
//--- If the picture has been uploaded on the server, pass its link
      str+="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"attachedImage_0\"\r\n\r\n";
//--- The final string of the multipart request
//--- Out the body of the POST request together in one string
//--- Prepare the request header  
   str=auth+"Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="+sep+"\r\n";
//--- Request to post a message on the user wall at mql5.com
//--- Return true for successful execution
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
//--- Post a message on mql5.com, including an image, the path to which is taken from the InpFileName parameter
   PostToNewsFeed(InpLogin,InpPassword,"Checking the expanded version of WebRequest\r\n"
                  "(This message has been posted by the WebRequest.mq5 script)",InpFileName,InpFileType);

i  someone have suggest is  welcome thanks at all