can not apply to new jobs on freelance


Hello everyone

I am a developer working on freelance .. Suddenly I can not apply to new jobs , I read the rules and I do not think I broke any of them, I have opened a ticket with service desk and I saw if I have a problem I need to post it here to get some answers.

If anyone can please help me , because this is my main source of income.



It's weekend so it could be that it is only due to an update of the web sources - try again later.

If it ask here: Contacts and request.

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Carl Schreiber #:

It's weekend so it could be that it is only due to an update of the web sources - try again later.

If it ask here: Contacts and request.

I hope so .. I will try again later


maybe you post info or you reach 7 open job in progress, or you bid more than 10 job /day 
Nguyen Minh Tri #:
maybe you post info or you reach 7 open job in progress, or you bid more than 10 job /day 

yes I have 7 open jobs in progress ,, that's why I can not apply for more ?
