library for GUI questions


Hi i want  create a libray for call button in simple mode like  _GiuButton( param...)  but i want create a generic _GiuButton , in this mode when i want create buy and sell button i  simply do in this mode   _GiuButton( param buy ...)  _GiuButton( param sell...)  , but i have  some dubt , i saw  this page  where @Donald Gibson  create  for button buy and  button sell (and other button) the  skeleton , therfore  i ask me  is not possible create one skeleton and after   when call it change some param  ?? thanks  at all

Button on Chart to trigger Script
Button on Chart to trigger Script
  • 2016.02.01
Hi everyone, I am playing around with buttons on the chart and I thought it would be good to have a button that moves the stoploss to breakeven...