Question: Changing Servers...

My demo feed for MT-4 is through Interbank FX. Is there any way to change this, so that my feed is directly through the MetaQuotes demo sever. I believe I had an older version of MT-4 that had a feed directly from MetaQuotes. I have since re-installed one of the newer builds that has the Interbank feed, and no longer have the configuration files for the MrtaQuotes Demo Server.

I believe there is a way to do this by copying the MetaQuotes Demo Server Config files into my config. folder, but I no longer have the have the necessary files (they were deleted). Please advise.

or you could download it here: "MetaTrader 4 trading terminal"

re-install over your existing ibfx will end with both servers available to you when you go to open a demo account.
By installing it over the ibfxdemo, do you mean install it to the same destination folder "Interbankfx" in my program files? I am having the same issues. I would like to be able to switch servers. I dowloaded and ran the setup from the site listed above, but it is in it's own Metatrader 4 folder in my program files. Wehn I launch Metatrader 4 however, the only server option I have is Interbankfx.
or you could download it here: "MetaTrader 4 trading terminal"

re-install over your existing ibfx will end with both servers available to you when you go to open a demo account.

GT, I did download from MetaQuotes, not Interbank FX. However, when you install the lastest version/build of the program from, the server is linked to Interbank, not MetaQuotes. For some reason, MetaQuotes has substituted Interbank Server Files instead of there own into the installation program/Configuration Folder. Unless MetaQuotes switches these back to the own server files, the only way I know of to link to the MetaQuotes Demo Server is to get my hands on their demo server file and copy it into the configuration folder. If MetaQuotes are anyone else can supply this file or offer another solution, I would greatly appreciate it.
Hi Chris,

Go to "File | Login". See if you have "MetaQuotes-Demo" in the Server field. If not enter manualy in this field (MetaQuotes-Demo server). Leave the other field as they are and try to login which will obviously fail. Now go to "File | Open an Account". Enter all the details and click Next. In the following screen choose the MetaQuotes-Demo server (it may appear as the ip number you entered before).

Good luck