Automating EA Optimization - page 2

Gamuchirai Zororo Ndawana #:

So wait in conclusion is it possible to run an Optimization Test using MQL5?

And if it is, how is it done? 

Hie, if you have found a better solution to this, please do let me know.

I have a similar challenge only that I'm not implementing AI, I'm only trying to automatically optimise my EAs periodically.

The working solution I currently have is to have 
1. The Mql5 EA 
2. Same EA in python 
3. Optimise the python EA using python 
4. Export optimised data from python to Mql5 EA 
5. Mql5 EA trades using imported data

It appears as a very long process, but if there's a simpler way, please let me know. :-)
Douglas I #:
Hie, if you have found a better solution to this, please do let me know.

I have a similar challenge only that I'm not implementing AI, I'm only trying to automatically optimise my EAs periodically.

The working solution I currently have is to have 
1. The Mql5 EA 
2. Same EA in python 
3. Optimise the python EA using python 
4. Export optimised data from python to Mql5 EA 
5. Mql5 EA trades using imported data

It appears as a very long process, but if there's a simpler way, please let me know. :-)
What I ended up doing was:

1)Save the optimisation settings as a preset

2) Launch MT5 from the command line, you can pass it command line arguments specifying that you want to perform an optimisation 

3)Assuming you're on windows, all of this can be implemented in Powershell.


Full automation of the tester and work with the results of optimization and single passes.

  1. Automation - MTTester.mqh.
  2. TesterCache.
  3. SingleTesterCache.