"TESTING MANAGER" - New Functionality Request / Recommendation


My congratulations for a great tool - MT4, which is also offered freely for the use, learn and testing of trading.
I'm sure it saved me (and probably many others) a great deal of losses in the real market.

I consider that a great enahncement will be provided by a "TESTING MANAGER" functionality:

1. The ability to invoke the Strategy Tester programatically from within a script. In this case it shall also be possible to specify which history files to use for testing (in addition to specifying the instrument, expert advisor and timeframe. It will also help in this case to have for each run of the tester, a separate record in a file, which will contain the summary of the report for that run.

2. This functionality may also be activated by a GUI interface, instead or in addition to the prorgamatic invokation method.

3. As a complementary feature, it will be nice to have the possibility to divide a large history or FXT file into a number of smaller files - For example, divide a 2 years historical data file into 24 files containing a month of historical data each. This will help to perform strategy baktesting on multiple data scenarious.

Best Regards,
Thank you for suggestions.
I could not possibly agree more with nori. To have these features would be an incredible gain for the MT4 platform and its users.

Please, with all respect, consider these suggestions. I think they will prove immeasurably valuable to the extensibilty of the platform.
The main reason, it would allow people to build really neat tools for MT4.
Gee, I'd just like to know what MetaQuotes is working on and in what order.

We all see these wonderful suggestions being given but little to nothing coming out in the platform other than more bugfixes and builds.

Both a proper changelog as well as a work list and timeline would be far more informative in my view.
Yea, that would definitely put a lot of us at ease. But I'm thinking that MQ is stretched pretty thin right now.

I think MQ knows what they need to do (and if they don't, implementing the above suggestions are a requisite for competing with other platforms long term, i.e. by allowing 3rd party plugins). The problem is that I think they are just swamped with development right now. I think as they were "in Beta" they could move along at their own pace, albeit slow. But now that the app is released everyone is clamoring to have this and that feature fixed/added in; which is the right thing and is exactly what should happen. But it means MQ really has to step up to the plate, by prioritizing and executing effectively.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that MQ has a potentially good tool, but if they did everything that is suggested on this forum, they would have the best tool...hands down. But that is a lot of work on their part, the question is, will they do it?? I hope so.

Remember we saw this same scenario with Microsoft back in the day (10-15 years ago).